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分享 美国的十二个恐怖州
热度 17 席琳 2014-8-24 11:50
2014-8-23 昨天我们家姐姐收到来自学者书屋少年作家和画家联合会的一封邀请函,说她今年参展学者书屋的 一幅作品,作为2014年度学者书屋全国高中生优秀获奖作品中的 81 件精品代表作(其中56件为绘画,25件为写作)之一, 自九月十九日开始将 在美国教育部的约翰逊总统大厅展览一年,该活动为学者书屋、教育部、和总统 艺术与人权顾问委员会联合举办,请姐姐和亲友届时光临,参加该日举办的剪彩典礼云云。 Our colleagues at The Department of Education are delighted to host this yearlong exhibition and we are organizing a special day of celebratory events. On Friday, September 19, please join us in Washington, DC for a celebratory ribbon-cutting ceremony! WHERE: The Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building, across from the National Air Space Museum, at 400 Maryland Avenue S.W., Washington, DC. WHEN: Friday, September 19th from 9:00 am – 5:30 pm 邀请函的第二篇,是活动日程和注意事项。不过最后特别注明的是,目前有十二个美国州或美属领地,上了联邦政府反恐怖主义活动的黑名单,这十二个州或美属领地的居民,单凭州政府或美属领地颁发的居民身份证或驾驶执照,是无法进入美国教育部和总统艺术与人权顾问委员会大楼的。 Due to a recent change in Federal law, the identification required to enter the U.S. Department of Education/President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities buildings may have changed. If you have a state-issued driver’s license or ID card from any state or territory NOT listed below, that state-issued driver’s license or ID card will be sufficient to allow entry. If your driver’s license or ID card has been issued by one of the 12 states or territories listed below, you will not be allowed to enter the building without some other form of government-issued ID, like a passport, military identification card or Federal employee badge. 那么,联邦政府反恐黑名单上,有哪十二个美国州或美属领地呢? 第一,阿拉斯加 ( Alaska );第二、美属萨摩亚群岛( American Samoa );第三、亚利桑那( Arizona );第四、肯特基( Kentucky );第五、路易斯安那( Louisiana );第六、缅因 ( Maine );第七、马赛诸塞( Massachusetts );第八、明尼苏达( Minnesota );第九、蒙大拿( Montana );第十、 纽约( New York );十一、奥克拉荷马( Oklahoma );十二、华盛顿( Washington )。 信不信由你,反正我得信了。
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