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分享 生命不会如此短暂,它总是为 courtesy 留下了足够的时间
热度 3 gordon 2012-4-27 05:58
Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy ——RALPH WALDO EMERSON
297 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 生命的感慨
热度 11 罢了 2011-12-8 02:08
今天收到朋友的邮件,说她的一位35岁的同事得了癌症,是晚期。俺朋友 forward了 她朋友今天的 message 给俺 ,读后非常感慨,特别是那段 :“ Try and enjoy your day people, enjoy being able to walk on your entire foot and open a bottle of water. It's the little things you take for granted 。。。 ”。 是啊,许多人常为一些无谓的小事烦心,抱怨生活中的诸多不足,殊不知,这平平常常的日子对另外一些人来说,是多么不可及的天堂! 人们:要感恩!要珍惜!要回馈!要知足啊! Message 原件: Hope I quoted it right lol Hey at least the pain is punctual, I have no patience for tardiness. Around 9:30 last night the swelling in my side started, along with my hands and feet. my hands needs to remain flat/open or they throb like you wouldn't believe. My feet itch like a mother funk, the lotion goes on but it doesn't seem like it's doing anything. I do have the softest cootie feet out there I guess. Today is going to be rough, laying down hurts, sitting hurts I'm not sure which position to be in. This is the chemo working right, that's what I'll tell myself each move of agony I have, while cursing myself out with movement as well. What a sucky day, I swear the weather sucks every Wednesday, at least I'm not missing out on a beautiful day to look out the window at. Time to go curl up or lay straight on the couch, guess all depends on how i twist my body to get there. If i can get there, right now I'm sitting like a tool all nerdy and straight in the seat with this huge couch just calling my name. Try and enjoy your day people, enjoy being able to walk on your entire foot and open a bottle of water. It's the little things you take for granted, I hate not having my strength, I hate feeling so weak. I hate every single day of this!
个人分类: 随便哼哼|16 次阅读|2 个评论


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