2015-12-9 姐姐今天说她已经被州立大学录取了,毕业后就可以不去社区大学了!趁机晒晒姐姐最近得的奖: 妹妹今天则说她被学校提名去申请笨卡森博士的奖学金了。笨卡森就是在共和党总统提名初选中排名仅次于床破的那位黑人医生。该奖学金申请的截止期限为1月6号,每个学校只能推荐一个人,全国每年大约有500人获奖。妹妹本来最怕写东西的,这可是一次极好的锻炼机会。网上查了一下,笨卡森奖学金的提名程序如下: An interested student must be nominated by an educator at his or her school to be able to compete for a Carson Scholarship. Only one student from each school is able to apply, ensuring that each nominee epitomizes academic excellence. Carson Scholars must have a minimum GPA of 3.75 and display humanitarian qualities through community service. Scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of academic achievement and humanitarian qualities, without regard to financial need, ethnicity, creed or religion. 小不点儿最近则和她的一个叫 蓝敦的 同学骠上了,她说蓝敦什么都懂,蓝敦呢,长得很像小不点儿以前最喜欢的一个小朋友,阅读的水平呢,也总是比小不点儿高那么一点点,小不点儿就紧追不舍。幼儿班的老师有一次偷偷地给小不点儿说:It's a competition! 所以小不点儿每天回来第一件事就是打开计算机,上ReadingA-Z 网 去读书了: 大概用了两三个星期的时间吧,小不点儿就从水平C跳到水平F了。老师最近给的评语是,小不点儿这个月,进步很大啊。