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分享 H5N1禽流感
热度 28 大地窝铺 2014-1-9 09:01
开车送儿子打篮球,听到新闻说加拿大第一例H5N1禽流感患者在医院死亡。这位死者在中国传染上病毒,12月27日乘坐加航030航班北京温哥华途中感觉不适。在温哥华机场停留几个小时之后乘坐加航244航班回到埃德蒙顿,1月1日住院,3日死亡。 挺可怕的,又爆发了吗? 最后一段,世界卫生组织WHO说,人体感染H5N1都是人体在H5N1严重污染的环境下传染的,没有人体与人体之间传染的病例。 H5N1 Bird Flu: First Case Found In Canada Health officials announced today that the first North American case of H5N1 flu has been found in Canada. Authorities said at a press conference that the H5N1 victim lived in Alberta, but contracted the virus while in China. The person began to feel unwell during a flight home from Beijing to Vancouver on Dec. 27 on Air Canada Flight 030. After spending a few hours in the Vancouver airport, the individual then travelled on to Edmonton on Air Canada Flight 244. The person was admitted to hospital on Jan. 1 and died on Jan. 3. “This is a very rare and isolated case,” said Dr. James Talbot, Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, in a press release. “Avian influenza is not easily transmitted from person to person. It is not the same virus that is currently present in seasonal influenza in Alberta." Almost all human cases of H5N1 infections have been the result of close contact with infected birds or H5N1-contaminated environments, according to the World Health Organization. Health Canada officials say it's still unclear how the person contracted the virus, but there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission.
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