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分享 军人还是是心直口快,反正政客们是这么说的,我也这么说,难得糊涂。 ... ... ...
热度 13 寞洑 2014-9-16 11:29
http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pages/2014/September%202014/September%2015%202014/Russia%E2%80%99s-Bloody-Nose-and-Ambiguity-in-Ukraine.aspx Ukraine has managed to give “Russia a bloody nose” since Russian forces invaded Crimea earlier this year, but it also has “lost almost an entire squadron of airplanes flying sorties in their own airspace,” said US Air Forces in Europe- Air Forces Africa Commander Gen. Frank Gorenc. Speaking at AFA’s Air Space Conference in National Harbor, Md., on Monday, Gorenc said the crisis in Ukraine “offers us a very valuable opportunity to look at a problem we’re going to have to deal with,” specifically “ambiguity.” He noted that US and NATO forces could not confirm the identity of the “little green men” operating inside of Ukraine at the beginning of the crisis. There also was “ambiguity” around who possessed and was firing advanced surface-to-air missiles. “We have an airliner that was shot down,” said Gorenc, referring to Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which crashed in July killing all 298 people on board. “ We still don’t really attribute who did that and why ” he said. Gorenc also noted that one-third of Poland’s airspace falls inside the range of Russia’s integrated air defenses. “That’s an interesting concept, particularly considering one airliner already was shot down in Ukraine,” said Gorenc. He added, “We’ll have to account for this contested airspace to make sure we have air supremacy and air dominance” in the future. 驻欧空军(USAFE)司令盟军中央欧洲空军(AAFCE)司令弗兰克·戈伦茨日前在演说中提到:到底发射了先进的地对 空导弹存在极大不确定性******我们真的不能确定谁做的和为什么。(等等,不是十万二十万分地肯定是大毛发射的导弹吗?) 军人还是是心直口快,把政客糊弄内部人员的的话,直接搬出来,他咋能不知道真相!
804 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 Law grad can repay entire $215K student loan debt by 2020 if living with parents
热度 5 南方有嘉木 2013-9-27 23:07
Despite $215,000 in student loan debt, law graduate Andrew Carmichael Post is luckier than many. After struggling for a couple of years following his graduation from law school at an unusually young age, he has been able to find full-time work, with benefits, as a computer programmer. Aided by a couple of other ventures, including a teaching gig, he is now earning a gross income of nearly $100,000 annually at age 24, the Los Angeles Times (sub. req.) reports. And, although his monthly payment on his student loans tops $2,700, he can repay the entire debt, in less than six years, if he continues living at home with his parents, a financial planner tells the newspaper. Earlier, Post, who started law school at the University of Southern California at age 18 and had a law license by age 22, tried opening his own law firm but found it a tough way to make a living. "The last time I went into court, I was wearing something that I got at Goodwill," he told the Times. "The two lawyers on the other side were each wearing suits worth more than my car." 神回复: 1. B. McLeod Sep 23, 2013 5:20 PM CDT Even faster, if he gets a couple of paper routes on the side. 2. Yankee Sep 23, 2013 6:25 PM CDT @1 Collecting aluminum cans, and keeping your eyes peeled for loose change in the sidewalk may help as well. He might also consider selling some plasma. 3. Pushkin Sep 23, 2013 9:57 PM CDT With such frugal habits, marketable skills, and generous parents, how did he rack up $215,000 in student loan debt to begin with?
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