


tag 标签: 棒球


分享 为什么大陆不玩棒球?(转)
热度 2 gordon 2016-5-20 20:38
台湾人对棒球和《KANO》的热情,海外观众恐怕难以理解。在台湾,如果说不上几场痛彻心扉的国际赛事或者大快人心的“逆转胜”,你大可以怀疑这个 人其实是观光客、或者有“高功能反社会人格”。毕竟无论“蓝绿”再怎样对立、选举再怎样厮杀,一旦遇到“中华队”出赛的重大国际赛事,几乎全台湾民众都会 停止剑拔弩张,并肩为“中华队”加油。许多人甚至戏称,棒球是台湾唯一的“蓝绿共识”,连现行的伍佰元“新台币”钞票都使用台湾南王国小少棒队胜利时欢欣鼓舞的照片作为图腾。 事实上,棒球不易成赛,真的会把棒球作为休闲兴趣来打的台湾人并不多,普及度远不及篮球或桌球,但台湾人对棒球的热爱,却超越所有运动……。 追溯台湾棒球魂:与国族纠结的统治工具 电影《KANO》自日本殖民台湾后期的1929年说起,叙述当时的“嘉义农林学校”,集合不同族群的棒球员打进日本“甲子园”的故事。然而进一步追溯台湾棒球史可以发现,日本殖民台湾初期,日本人并不鼓励台湾人玩棒球,因为殖民初期台湾曾有许多武装抗日事件,使日本政府忧心团队球赛会激起台湾人的自觉意识,加上日人厉行差别待遇,使自认地位较高的日本人不愿与台湾人一起玩球。 然而一次大战后,民族自决的思潮弥漫全球,包括日本当时的殖民地韩国都曾爆发争取民族平等的“三一事件”,让日本检讨差别待遇的殖民政策,逐渐改以“渐进同化主义”统治台湾。 “…‘日本魂’的鼓吹,是非常重要的事…除了理论思想上的鼓吹外,可以达到同化目的,体育运动也应多加鼓励,故,多成 立棒球队及网球的队伍,让内地人(日本人)与本岛人(台湾人)一起加入其团体……”,这个殖民统治技术也间接造就了“KANO”这个由汉人、原住民、和日 人共组的球队。 随着1945年后国民党统治台湾,49年后到台湾的 “外省”官僚重视篮球,忽视民间喜爱的棒球 ,在1970年代以前,台湾棒球经费的编列不但远 低于外省官僚所支持的篮球和足球 ,圆山棒球场更于1950年韩战爆发后直接改成美援集散地,后来更被拆除改建为中山足球场。 直到1968年,当年度获得世界少棒聯盟冠军的日本歌山关西聯队访台,刻苦练兵的台东红葉少棒队却以七比零的悬殊比數击败对手。同一时期,台湾的外 交处境风雨飘摇,特别是1971年台湾被迫退出聯合国,民心颓丧之际,少棒队多次为台湾拿下世界冠军,为沮丧的民情找到安慰。国民党政府趁势在过程中透过 冒名、超龄等违反规定的方式赢得多次比赛,将台湾球员刻苦打败强国球队的事迹,转化成台湾人在国际压迫下的胜利,使“棒球”的胜负与台湾人的民族认同联系 在一起,借此安抚颓丧的民心。 尽管台湾政府已不再对国际赛进行非法政治操作,台湾人对“棒球”的民族情绪仍延续至当代,棒球赛仍被视为台湾人尊严的展现,如台湾民间有部分“仇 韩”情绪,面对和“韩国队”的比赛时,民众的情绪往往特别高张。某次台湾中华队与韩国队的比赛,中华队被逆转,台湾知名体育主播徐展元因此在主播台上落泪 大喊:“真的好想赢韩国!”,这句名言让大批台湾网友视徐展元为知音。 在这个背景下,多数台湾人对棒球规则知之甚详,或即使不熟规则,也都曾共享为“中华队”加油的热血记忆。面对专业的台湾观众,《KANO》选择一批 有棒球经验的素人球员训练演技、而非挑选偶像演员演出,在球技呈现上确实更能说服台湾观众。素人演员相对生硬的口条,也因为演员们在片中大多使用日语作为 日常对话,透过语言的陌生感而有所消弭。片中多场球赛的呈现也能兼顾表现层次,使得三小时的电影不因反覆出现的球赛而显得冗长;相关物件的考究也在水准之 上。美中不足的是,许多动画场面仍然显得粗糙,特别是画面出现在片头等关键时刻,导致瑕疵显如疮疤。然而整体而言,马志翔首次执导3小时的长片,能够将对 台湾电影工业而言,规模仍有点难负荷的历史片处理地有条不紊,确实让人惊艳,也说明了继《海角七号》和《赛德克·巴莱》的磨练后,魏德圣率领的制作团队有 了长足且稳定的进步。 **************************************************************************** 国民党和大陆都是爱玩篮球、足球,玩棒球的很少。 注:日本、美国都是玩棒球的大国,因为这跟刺杀训练有关。
483 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 没有什么,因为我也获得过类似的荣誉 (转)
gordon 2016-5-20 19:07
「甲子园」是如何成为代表日本青春和理想的圣地?甲子园只是高中棒球的决赛场,为何能有如此大的影响力? 甲子园远远不“只是高中棒球的决赛场”。 棒球少年的梦想一般是从小学开始的。每个小学几乎都有棒球队,每片河滩上几乎都奔跑着追逐白球的少年。这一梦想会在小学时期生根,初中时期萌芽,到高中时期长出第一片叶子。 高中之前的棒球,基本上和“草野球”没有太大区别,场地不固定,队员也参差不齐,比赛也是以邀请赛友谊赛为主。而进入高中,马上就变成了一个“标准化”的联赛。 日本的高中棒球“联赛”首先是地区选拔,一支球队要在春季和秋季的小组循环和淘汰赛中战胜本地区的7-8只球队,才能够拿到地区的优胜资格,争夺“县级”资格。而进入县级循环的球队也要先后击败至少3支球队,才可以获得县级的1、2名,获得进入甲子园的资格。对于一些16、17的少年来说,这已经是难以承受的重担了。 因此进入甲子园的球队,都可以说是披荆斩棘。而来到这片土地的少年们,有的来自于年年出场的强豪校,也有的来自于默默无闻的黑马校,但都能够以平等的身份来一较高下,光想想就让人热血沸腾。 尤其是对于出身不高的学校来说,可能几年甚至几十年,才有一次出场甲子园的机会。而主力队员一般也都是马上即将毕业的高三学生,一旦被淘汰就再也没有机会回到这里,无数的青春的汗水和泪水就可能在这里的几十分钟后便化为乌有。 从功利一点的角度来说,甲子园是高中球员能够进入职业球队的重要舞台。一旦能够从高中进入职业球队,那么至少人生的轨迹就出现了一次飞跃,无论是收入还是社会地位,都能够得到火箭般的提升。但如果没能在甲子园有所发挥,甚至是没有来到甲子园的机会,那么大多数高中球员的出路便仅有一个:选择考大学,放弃棒球。即使有一些球员,可以被大学破格录取为棒球特长, 但之后进入职棒的途径也还是要通过大学生联赛 ,甚至是职业人联赛。因此,很多高中生在甲子园上会孤注一掷,去为自己的未来拼命搏一把。 ***************************************************************** 棒球是日本老百姓最喜爱的运动,除了职业棒球之外,民间也有很多自发组织的棒球业余队伍。就高校来说,棒球社是地位很高的社团,往往棒球社的成绩就象征着学校竞技体育的成绩与荣誉。 因此,甲子园不仅是全国高中棒球决赛地,也是高中生体育项目的最高荣誉角逐场,一帮正值花季雨季的少年们,与来自全国的最高水准的选手战斗,是多么令人兴奋的事情! 角逐的过程是漫长的高中生涯,少年的那种纯粹的激情、懵懂的爱情凝结成了梦想,甲子园成为了梦想的圣地,通向它过程也是一个美妙的经历和回忆。 注:青春电影,青春片 都是如此。 ***************************************************************** 跟中国的高考状元一样,或者以前的中师中专 有故事的人才明白,你本身就没有故事,跟你讲什么。 ***************************************************************** 另:棒球还有一个用途,就是辅助刺杀训练。而且电影背景是日治时期,所以就很尴尬。 二战时期,跟北洋一样。陆军小学、陆军中学,陆军大学,这种体制。 确实很反动。
280 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 棒球达人
热度 4 石榴 2014-7-25 13:09
个人分类: 会心一笑|403 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 [zz] 我们的生活更像棒球还是足球?
热度 15 九九 2014-7-12 07:07
[zz] 我们的生活更像棒球还是足球?
前一阵子刷微博的时候偶然看到有个ID叫 "GK同人于野",印象中西西河好像有个ID也叫 “同人于野”,他的帖子《读史的三个境界》当时给我印象颇深。在爱坛没见到他,原来是专心玩微博去了。贴一个他前不久的文章,原题是《为什么高考作文题是可以预测的?》。其中有一段说为什么棒球容易预测,而足球不容易预测,感觉大致就是简单线性系统 vs. 复杂混沌系统的问题。 巧合的是最近纽时的专栏作家David Brooks也写了一篇文章,用大致相同的视角,更详细地分析了棒球 vs. 足球的问题: Baseball or Soccer? Is life more like baseball, or is it more like soccer? Baseball is a team sport, but it is basically an accumulation of individual activities. Throwing a strike, hitting a line drive or fielding a grounder is primarily an individual achievement. The team that performs the most individual tasks well will probably win the game. Soccer is not like that. In soccer, almost no task, except the penalty kick and a few others, is intrinsically individual. Soccer, as Simon Critchley pointed out recently in The New York Review of Books, is a game about occupying and controlling space. If you get the ball and your teammates have run the right formations, and structured the space around you, you’ll have three or four options on where to distribute it. If the defenders have structured their formations to control the space, then you will have no options. Even the act of touching the ball is not primarily defined by the man who is touching it; it is defined by the context created by all the other players. As Critchley writes, “Soccer is a collective game, a team game, and everyone has to play the part which has been assigned to them, which means they have to understand it spatially, positionally and intelligently and make it effective.” Brazil wasn’t clobbered by Germany this week because the quality of the individual players was so much worse. They got slaughtered because they did a pathetic job of controlling space. A German player would touch the ball, even close to the Brazilian goal, and he had ample room to make the kill. Most of us spend our days thinking we are playing baseball, but we are really playing soccer. We think we individually choose what career path to take, whom to socialize with, what views to hold. But, in fact, those decisions are shaped by the networks of people around us more than we dare recognize. This influence happens through at least three avenues. First there is contagion. People absorb memes, ideas and behaviors from each other the way they catch a cold. As Nicholas Christakis and others have shown, if your friends are obese, you’re likely to be obese. If your neighbors play fair, you are likely to play fair. We all live within distinct moral ecologies. The overall environment influences what we think of as normal behavior without being much aware of it. Then there is the structure of your network. There is by now a vast body of research on how differently people behave depending on the structure of the social networks. People with vast numbers of acquaintances have more job opportunities than people with fewer but deeper friendships. Most organizations have structural holes, gaps between two departments or disciplines. If you happen to be in an undeveloped structural hole where you can link two departments, your career is likely to take off. Innovation is hugely shaped by the structure of an industry at any moment. Individuals in Silicon Valley are creative now because of the fluid structure of failure and recovery. Broadway was incredibly creative in the 1940s and 1950s because it was a fluid industry in which casual acquaintances ended up collaborating. Since then, studies show, theater social networks have rigidified, and, even if you collaborate with an ideal partner, you are not as likely to be as creative as you would have been when the global environment was more fertile. Finally, there is the power of the extended mind. There is also a developed body of research on how much our very consciousness is shaped by the people around us. Let me simplify it with a classic observation: Each close friend you have brings out a version of yourself that you could not bring out on your own. When your close friend dies, you are not only losing the friend, you are losing the version of your personality that he or she elicited. Once we acknowledge that, in life, we are playing soccer, not baseball, a few things become clear. First, awareness of the landscape of reality is the highest form of wisdom. It’s not raw computational power that matters most; it’s having a sensitive attunement to the widest environment, feeling where the flow of events is going. Genius is in practice perceiving more than the conscious reasoning. Second, predictive models will be less useful. Baseball is wonderful for sabermetricians. In each at bat there is a limited range of possible outcomes. Activities like soccer are not as easily renderable statistically, because the relevant spatial structures are harder to quantify. Even the estimable statistician Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight gave Brazil a 65 percent chance of beating Germany. Finally, Critchley notes that soccer is like a 90-minute anxiety dream — one of those frustrating dreams when you’re trying to get somewhere but something is always in the way. This is yet another way soccer is like life.
119 次阅读|3 个评论
分享 美国的网管删起帖子来也毫不手软
热度 68 巴山 2013-8-21 04:36
一个来自澳大利亚年仅22岁的棒球运动员,在晨跑时,被三个十来岁的黑崽子枪杀了。黑崽子们被捕后,谈及杀人动机,大意是闲的蛋疼,就想找个人来杀杀看。 美国网站和媒体报导这件事,全部都对杀人者是老黑这一事实避而不谈,而且新闻评论中只要谁提起,立马被删帖。对比起前阵一个黑崽子被警察杀掉后,所有媒体都铺天盖地都在强调是白人杀了黑人。真TMD让人无语。 这事我觉得有两个教训: 1.会叫的孩子有奶吃,在美国,咱中国人吃了亏绝不能忍气吞声,要学着老黑叫得响一点,否则别人以为你好欺负。 2.中国千万不能象西方政客一样,为了愚蠢的”政治正确“而养痈遗患,对西北的那帮卖切糕的和广州那群老黑都是如此。
1192 次阅读|19 个评论
分享 棒球有风险,入行须谨慎。
热度 21 猫元帅 2013-4-2 10:43
571 次阅读|12 个评论


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