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分享 [科技][新闻]Duke大学成功连接两颗鼠脑
热度 3 punishment 2013-3-1 06:52
实验室网页(带视频): http://www.nicolelislab.net/?p=369 Press Release: http://www.nicolelislab.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/DCNE_NatureSciReports_022113.pdf 摘要: 0. 先前,研究组曾经将大鼠的脑连接至人工红外感受器。大鼠获得了“看到”红外光的能力。 插播PI评论: "Our previous studies with brain-machine interfaces had convinced us that the brain was much more plastic than we had thought," said Nicolelis. "In those experiments, the brain was able to adapt easily to accept input from devices outside the body and even learn how to process invisible infrared light generated by an artificial sensor. So, the question we asked was, if the brain could assimilate signals from artificial sensors, could it also assimilate information input from sensors from a different body." 1. 研究组通过因特网连接了巴西Natal和美国Durham两只大鼠的脑,使得它们可以互相通信。 2. 实验设计为:接受方大鼠必须通过发送方大鼠才能得知正确的获得奖励的方法;发送方大鼠如果教会接收方大鼠获得奖励,它将获得额外奖励。 一作评论: "So, even though the animals were on different continents, with the resulting noisy transmission and signal delays, they could still communicate," said Miguel Pais-Vieira, a postdoctoral fellow and first author of the study. "This tells us that we could create a workable, network of animal brains distributed in many different locations." PI评论:Nicolelis concluded that "These experiments showed that we have established a sophisticated, direct communication linkage between brains, and that the decoder brain is working as a patternrecognition device. So basically, we are creating what I call an organic computer. Such a computer solves a puzzle in a 'non-Turing' way," he said. A "Turing machine" is the classical model for a computer, in which a computer operates on data using a set of predetermined instructions—also known as an algorithm—to arrive at a solution. 感想: 1 .心灵感应终于实现了。 2. SMBC乌鸦嘴。
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