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分享 联邦学生援助免费申请表的截止日期
席琳 2016-1-31 13:04
2016-1-30 一月份最忙的事情,莫过于帮姐姐填写财政援助申请表( CSS )和联邦学生援助免费申请( FAFSA )表 了。CSS表比较琐碎,但不是每所学校都需要,而且需要的项目也不同,这里面就可以看出每个学校的校格之高下,M算是其中做得最好的。FAFSA则要简单许多,每个学校都需要填写,只是截至的日期不同,但是有不可超过10所学校的限制,College Confidential网上,有一些分享的小经验: It seems you can delete old schools after 3-5 days and then add new schools. Here is an excerpt of the online chat I had with a FAFSA representative:Parent: I want to send FAFSA to more than 10 schools.How can I know which schools have downloaded my FAFSA so that I can delete them and then add other schools online? I would request that up to 15 schools should be allowed without the problem of 10 school limit. FAFSA representative: 3-5days after you submitted it, it should be processed and ready for you to delete five of those first ten。Parent: Can I be certain that after about 1 week I can delete the old schools and add new ones? FAFSA rep: yes after those 3-5days。 It doesn't matter whether or not the school has downloaded the FAFSA yet. What matters is that the transaction has processed. The school will get every transaction you send to that school code, even if they don't download until a later date. My suggestion to everyone is to delete ALL schools before sending to more. Schools not on the list will not receive the new transaction. You can keep track of which schools were on #1 and which were on #2. It makes it easier to do updates later on if that's necessary.
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分享 中国十年多次往返签证
热度 16 笑口常开 2015-4-4 10:25
1493 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 被英国签证申请表折磨死
热度 24 桃李不言 2013-10-23 23:07
2932 次阅读|24 个评论


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