在接下来几天了,出现奇迹的可能性越来越小。齐普拉斯和容克的调门越高,默克尔越保持沉默,各方突破情绪化死结的可能性越低,尤其是在缺乏理性而又可被各方接受的妥协方案的情况下。齐普拉斯可能也是看到了政治上的死胡同,与其在沉默中灭亡,不如在爆发中成仁。有意思的是,齐普拉斯的“大大的不字”(Great No)来自希腊诗人Constantine Cavafy的诗句:Che Fece...Il Gran Rifiuto,典故来自但丁的神曲。Cavafy诗句的英译为:
For some people the day comes
when they have to declare the great Yes
or the great No. It’s clear at once who has the Yes
ready within him; and saying it,
he goes from honor to honor, strong in his conviction.
He who refuses does not repent. Asked again,
he’d still say no. Yet that no -- the right no --
drags him down all his life.