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[经济] FDPR 美国出台更严格贸易规则以遏制中国芯片产业

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-5-6 13:51
  • 签到天数: 5 天


     楼主| 发表于 2024-7-17 23:13:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    US Floats Stricter Trade Rules to Rein In China’s Chip Industry$ i, V7 q! s' a$ d
    美国出台更严格贸易规则以遏制中国芯片产业3 c7 Q% V: V( d( y4 D" L  f( g
    Restrictions would hit technology from Tokyo Electron and ASML' \6 a( q, ~, a7 r. B) @
    限制将影响东京电子和 ASML 的技术
    ' U# }8 n8 Z: Z$ ^US companies like Lam have urged softer approach in meetings
    % B0 }) _1 l- E: Y. M) y: y5 y! D
    $ r- q9 m! q  NThe Biden administration, facing pushback to its chip crackdown on China, has told allies that it’s considering using the most severe trade restrictions available if companies such as Tokyo Electron Ltd. and ASML Holding NV continue giving the country access to advanced semiconductor technology.1 F! m( X5 R1 C$ x1 s" X  a
    ( k3 @) q$ R4 V; k7 s3 s2 O, a" R* J0 |. Q' {
    Seeking leverage with allies, the US is mulling whether to impose a measure called the foreign direct product rule, or FDPR, said people familiar with recent discussions. The rule lets the country impose controls on foreign-made products that use even the tiniest amount of American technology.
    " W6 \0 \% q5 h9 ^2 @! {知情人士表示,为了寻求与盟友的影响力,美国正在考虑是否实施一项名为外国直接产品规则(FDPR)的措施。该规则允许该国对使用最少量美国技术的外国制造产品实施控制。


    参与人数 1爱元 +10 收起 理由
    testjhy + 10


  • TA的每日心情
    2016-5-6 13:51
  • 签到天数: 5 天


     楼主| 发表于 2024-7-17 23:14:23 | 只看该作者
    July 16 (Reuters) - The U.S., facing pushback to its chip crackdown on China, has told its allies it is considering using the most severe trade restrictions available if companies continue giving the country access to advanced semiconductor technology, Bloomberg News reported on Tuesday.
    + b: L1 @) E9 [; a1 Q/ I7 月 16 日(路透社)——据彭博社周二报道,美国在对中国芯片打压方面面临阻力,已告知其盟友,如果企业继续向中国提供先进的半导体技术,美国将考虑采取最严厉的贸易限制。" ?0 C9 ^0 Y, ?0 x( j
    These measures would be applied to companies such as Tokyo Electron (8035.T), opens new tab and ASML Holding NV (ASML.AS), opens new tab, the report added, citing people familiar with the discussions.- o! y0 Z# F6 J  t$ R! d: X
    报道援引知情人士的话称,这些措施将适用于东京电子 (8035.T) 和 ASML Holding NV (ASML.AS) 等公司。
    & O" O! q: c; W3 RThe U.S. is weighing whether to impose a measure called the foreign direct product rule, or FDPR, the report said.
    1 ]( P3 R. N8 X; U+ I报道称,美国正在考虑是否实施一项名为外国直接产品规则(FDPR)的措施。% i  M3 f: X$ v
    The provision, called the Foreign Direct Product Rule, or FDPR, was first introduced in 1959 to control trading of U.S. technologies.
    / m# P5 E- ?  [3 T2 k9 h该条款称为“外国直接产品规则”(FDPR),于 1959 年首次引入,旨在控制美国技术的贸易。
      z4 b: U# A; B! I" {/ oIt essentially says that if a product was made using American technology, the U.S. government has the power to stop it from being sold - including products made in a foreign country." H; k+ i" u' {$ R- E2 u+ ~
      b/ e4 D! K$ f0 J4 mThe U.S. is presenting the idea to officials in Tokyo and the Hague as an increasingly likely outcome if the countries don't tighten their own China measures, the Bloomberg report added.
    * S( e2 U3 b; O2 M5 S6 l彭博社的报道补充说,美国正在向东京和海牙的官员提出这一想法,如果这些国家不收紧自己的对华措施,那么这种结果的可能性就越来越大。
    8 }! |6 [: v; x, IASML declined to comment on the discussions, and Electron said it wasn't in a position to comment on "geopolitical issues", Bloomberg reported.
      r6 ^; }; d2 f6 A据彭博社报道,ASML 拒绝对讨论发表评论,而 Electron 则表示无法对“地缘政治问题”发表评论。; {0 d2 d+ c: {3 ~. f) E3 D- v! g
    Tokyo Electron, ASML Holding, and the U.S. Department of Commerce did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comment.
    * H: Z; b, p: n/ I' C, }7 S# o东京电子、ASML控股和美国商务部没有立即回应路透社的置评请求。
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