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  • TA的每日心情
    2023-3-1 00:08
  • 签到天数: 2397 天


    发表于 2014-6-3 11:18:32 | 显示全部楼层
    I think the lesson is that the people of this country can’t afford to let the President run the country by himself, … without the help of Congress, without the help of the public. … What these studies tell me is we must remember this is a self-governing country. We are the government. … We cannot let the officials of the Executive Branch determine for us what it is that the public needs to know about how well and how they are discharging their functions.
    $ w$ q' w. C1 j! {1 j
    这说得可真好。。。 这基本上就是Republican Libral治国理念的精髓了。。。 6 {1 q6 H% Y0 e: B6 N/ W% H( t
    ( B% X6 y5 H' T8 I
    可惜美国人一代不如一代,纽约双子塔轰然倒地,吓坏了所有人,小牛屎借“911”之余威,趁机推出臭名昭著的《Patriot Act》。。。 竟然没人敢说一句话。。。 最高法院这些年的逐渐右倾,我看难辞其咎。。。
    3 e8 P; i* B2 f4 A' l3 B! w& s7 t; Y* C: V  b6 `

    3 X  j# n+ i$ B1 ?


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