
标题: 海外逸士詩詞文翻譯集 [打印本页]

作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-22 23:42
标题: 海外逸士詩詞文翻譯集

Counsel to Girls
Robert Herrick ( 1591-1674)

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
   Old time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day,
   Tomorrow will be dying.

The glorious Lamp of Heaven, the Sun,
   The higher he's a-getting
The sooner will his race be run,
   And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
   When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst,
   Times, still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time;
   And while ye may, go marry:
For having lost but once your prime,
   You may for ever tarry.


作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-22 23:42
To my Love----Sonnet #18
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate;
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.


作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-23 22:45
Dirge of Love
William Shakespeare (1564–1616)
Come away, come away, Death,
And in sad cypres let me be laid;
    Fly away, fly away, breath;
I am slain by a fair cruel maid.
My shroud of white, stuck all with yew,
        O prepare it!
My part of death no one so true
        Did share it.
    Not a flower, not a flower sweet
On my black coffin let there be strown;
    Not a friend, not a friend greet
My poor corpse, where my bones shall be thrown;
A thousand thousand sighs to save,
        Lay me, O where
Sad true lover never find my grave,
        To weep there.

作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-23 22:45
Psalm of Life
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
TELL me not, in mournful numbers,
        Life is but an empty dream! —
    For the soul is dead that slumbers,
        And things are not what they seem.
Life is real !   Life is earnest!
        And the grave is not its goal;
    Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
        Was not spoken of the soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
        Is our destined end or way;
    But to act, that each to-morrow
        Find us farther than to-day.
Art is long, and Time is fleeting,
        And our hearts, though stout and brave,
    Still, like muffled drums, are beating
        Funeral marches to the grave.
In the world's broad field of battle,
        In the bivouac of Life,
    Be not like dumb, driven cattle!
        Be a hero in the strife!
Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant!
        Let the dead Past bury its dead!
    Act,— act in the living Present!
        Heart within, and God o'erhead!
Lives of great men all remind us
        We can make our lives sublime,
    And, departing, leave behind us
        Footprints on the sands of time;
Footprints, that perhaps another,
        Sailing o'er life's solemn main,
    A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,
        Seeing, shall take heart again.
Let us, then, be up and doing,
        With a heart for any fate;
    Still achieving, still pursuing,
        Learn to labor and to wait.


作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-24 22:52

作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-24 22:54


Up On Stork Tower
by Wang Zhihuan

The setting sun clings to hill's knees,
And Yellow River flows to seas.
If wish for longer view over miles,
Then get on floor above, oh, please!
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-24 22:54


Across the Pass
by Wang Zhihuan

The Yellow River far up in white clouds Rises,
The single town lost among hills myriad feet high.
Tartar flute mustn't play plaintive tune of “Willow Snapping”,
Since the spring wind the Jade Gate Pass never crosses.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-25 23:21


See Official Du off to Shuzhou
by Wang Bo

The town you go to guards the region of Sanqin,
Far through the wind and smoke I try to see Wujin.
How bad I am really feeling when you do part,
For we are both the officials away from home.
If close friends within bounds of four seas existing,
Though at edge of the world it seems under next door dome.
Don't at the crossroad where with each other we part
Cry like children with tears our handkerchiefs wetting!
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-25 23:22


Sorrow of a Wife
by Wang Changling

The young wife in her chamber who knows no sorrow,
Mounts emerald tower, dressed fully on a spring day.
All at once she sees the green of roadside willow,
Regrets letting her man seek marquisate far away.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-26 23:25


See YuanEr Off To Be Prefect in Anxi
by Wang Wei

The morn rain o' Wei Town has laid the light dust clean;
And willow trees around the inn look fresh and green.
A cup of farewell yet*, oh you, I do entreat,
For west across Yang Pass, and friends but seldom meet.

*This is the imitation of “a cup of kindness yet” from a Scots poem Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns. 這說明寫譯英文也可以用典的。
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-26 23:26


Home In a Bamboo Forest
by Wang Wei

Alone I sit in quiet bamboo forest,
I play lute, and then a long whistle I give.
No one knows that I am deep in forest,
Only bright moon shines on me from above.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-27 22:33


by Wang Wei

The red beans grow in southern land.
How many, when spring comes, will sprout?
Wish you can pick them as many,
As this thing the love will denote.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-27 22:34


Song of Autumn Night
by Wang Wei

The moon's just waxing with autumn dew slight;
Her light gauze robe too thin, but she won't change.
She plays the silver lyre deep into night,
Afraid back to her empty room to range.
作者: 文勖    时间: 2011-10-28 16:01
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-29 01:28



A Fine Day In Spring
by Wang Jia

The buds seen among blossoms before rain;
But no blossoms under leaves after rain!
When butterflies and bees fly o'er the wall,
I doubt that spring’s settl’d in neighbor's hall.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-29 01:28
涼州詞 (唐)王翰


A Verse Of Liangzhou
by Wang Han

The delicious grape wine in gleaming Night-Hue Cups;
About to drink, the lute played to urge by players on horses.
Laugh not, if drunken we lie down on the battlefields,
For since old time how few return alive from wars!
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-29 22:25


Improvise Some Lines on "The Grass of
Ancient Meadow" at the Departure of a Friend
By Bai Juyi

The grass on mead and field is green and gross,
That grows and withers then, but once a year.
The wild fire can't burn it out root and spear;
It grows afresh with vernal breeze that blows.
The scents afar invade the ancient way;
The verdure nearby touches on bleak town.
And when I see again a friend away,
My heart's with parting sorrow weighing down.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-29 22:26


Mount The Tower
by Yang ShiEr

Sparse oaks and willows surround the city;
Night rains from hills sound like river's gurgling.
No coach and horse in autumn winds on south roads,
I alone mount the tower, for homeland feeling.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-31 01:42


Song of Qiupu
by Li Bai

The hoary hair is ten miles long,
Because the sorrow is as long.
In mirror, no one knows at all,
Where came on head the frost of fall?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-10-31 01:43


Sit Alone Facing Jingting Peak
by Li Bai

A flock of birds fly high, soon gone;
A single cloud floats away, idly.
Ne’er tired looking at each other,
Are Jingting Peak and I only.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-1 00:24


Lodge in a Temple on the Hill for the Night
by Li Bai

The towering building, a hundred ells high;
I can almost pick the stars with hands bare.
To speak aloud I really do not dare,
Afraid to disturb people living in the sky.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-1 00:25


See Meng Haoran off to Guangling in Yellow Stork Tower
by Li Bai

To Yellow Stork Tower in west my friend now says goodbye,
And heading down for Yangzhou in misty and flowery March.
The blurring distant lonely sail's melting into blue sky,
Only the Yangtze River flows under heavenly arch.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-1 22:58


Early Departure From White Emperor Town
by Li Bai

I started from White Emperor Town among colored clouds at dawn,
And arrived in Jiangling a thousand miles away in a day.
As the apes on either bank gave the endless cries of dismay,
My light boat had left behind hills aft hills, on current be borne.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-1 22:58


To Wang Lun
by Li Bai

Li Bai’s about to set sail on board a prow,
When hears sudden stamping and singing on bank.
Though thousand feet deep is the Peach Blossom Stank,
Not deeper than love of Wang to see me go.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-2 22:55


Reply to a Vulgar Person in Hills
by Li Bai

When asked why I'm perching in the verdant mountains,
I smile and don't answer, my heart in peaceful mood.
Peach blooms and flowing water all gone with no trace;
It's different sky and earth, not the human world.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-2 22:56


View at the Ruins of Sutai
by Li Bai

Ancient garden, bleak terraces, and new willows;
The clear notes of water caltrops do not match spring.
Nothing now, only the moon o'er the West River,
Once shone on fair ones in the palace of Wu King.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-3 22:30


Clamber The Mountain
by Li She

I'm drowsy between drunk and dream for all day long;
Manage to climb the mountain, hearing spring is gone.
As passing bamboo yard, I talk to a monk with pleasure,
And get in floating life another half-day's leisure.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-3 22:30


Mail Northward in Night Rain
by Li Shangyin

If you ask when I return, I'm not sure.
Night rain fill’d the autumn pool from Ba Hill.
When can we snuff candles by west window again
And talk about the night rain from Ba Hill?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-4 23:59


A  Four-Line Poem(1)
by Du Fu

Against the blue river birds look whiter;
Against the green hills the flowers seem aflame.
And now this spring will soon be gone again;
Which day of the year I'll be back to home?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-4 23:59


A  Four-Line  Poem(2)
by Du Fu

A couple of orioles are warbling in the verdant willows,
Meanwhile a line of egrets into the blue sky do soar.
The snow of thousand years on West Peak is seen through windows,
And ships from myriad miles in East Province anchor at door.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-6 01:43


A View In Spring
by Du Fu

Although empire’s crumbled, yet the mountains stand and rivers flow;
To towns as spring comes, dand and lush, so turn the grass and tree.
As if grieving for hard times, flowers would drip with tears of woe;
And hating to part, the hearts of birds out their beaks would flee.
The beacon fires have held on for a quarter of year old;
A letter from my home is worth myriad taels of gold.
My hoary hair becomes shorter and shorter by scratching;
It looks as if it can hardly bear on head a hairpin.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-7 00:07


Winding River (1)
by Du Fu

We seem to have less of spring as blossoms fly down.
A myriad petals drifting in winds make me sad.
Right before my eyes blossoms will soon be all gone;
Let wine into the mouth, ne'er mind it hurts how bad.
The halcyons build nests on a small house at the river;
And stone unicorns lie at high tombs by a garden.
Thinking the ways things go, one should seek pleasure;
What's the use for floating fame to bind my person?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-7 00:07


Winding River (2)
by Du Fu

Back from Court I pawn my spring gown everyday,
And get drunk at the river, then back home, each day.
It's usual in debts for wine ev'rywhere wine's sold;
It's rare in life to live till sev’nty since time old.
Butterflies seen deeply among the flowers flitting;
Dragonflies sip on water slowly hovering.
Tell the scenery just tagging along with me,
Don't part, but enjoying each other transiently.
作者: 山菊    时间: 2011-11-7 03:54
海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-6 11:07



作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-7 23:20
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-7 23:20


A Poem For Parting (2)
by Du Mu

A deep love always like no love appears;
I feel unable to smile before the grails.
Candles with “hearts” feel sorry for parting wails,
And until dawn for us are dripping tears.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-7 23:21


Gold-woven Dress
by Du QiuNiang

I advise you not for gold-woven dress to care,
But advise you for precious time of youth to care.
If flowers are in full bloom and worth picking, just pick,
Don't wait till no more flowers, then on empty boughs pick.
作者: 山菊    时间: 2011-11-8 05:08

作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-8 23:09



Dawn in Spring
by Meng Hao

Sleep in spring, unaware of dawning,
And hear the birds everywhere sing.
As sounded the wind and rain overnight,
I wonder how many blooms alight.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-8 23:09


Lodge on Jiande River
by Meng Haoran

Moving the boat to anchor at the misty shoal,
As the sun's setting, the tourist has new sorrows.
With fields so vast, the sky seems as low as the trees;
With river so clear, the moon looks to me so close.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-9 23:07


Snow On River
by Liu Zongyuan

Among thousand hills, no birds are hovering;
And myriad paths without prints of human foot.
With palm cloak and bamboo hat, on a lone boat,
In cold snow on river an old man fishing.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-9 23:08


Nanking Landscape
by Wei Zhuang

Rains on the river fall lightly and grass grows smooth;
Six dynasties gone like a dream, birds vainly sing.
Weeping willows of Tai Town are the most heartless,
Still in misty smoke for ten miles the dyke covering.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-10 23:32


The West Creek in Chuzhou
by Wei Yingwu

I alone love the soft grass that by the creek grows;
And there are orioles in the depth of trees warbling.
Rapid spring flood plus rains in the evening flows;
No one on the ferryboat, so it floats sideling.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-10 23:33


In a Mountain Arbor on a Summer's Day
by Gao Pian

The dense shades spread from green trees as summer's day is so long;
The reflections of pavilions in pond are upside down.
The crystal curtains move and so I know the breeze rises;
The scent pervades the yard from the trellis full of roses.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-12 00:23


Autumn Day
by Geng Wei

The sunset rays slant into village street,
Who can I speak to when grief I do meet?
No one travels on ancient thoroughfare;
Only the autumn wind stirring wheat ear.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-12 00:24


Part With a Friend On Spring Night
by Chen ZiAng

Thin smoke spewed out from candles silver;
Golden cups on a luxury feast.
Parting soon, I think of zither,
Since the trip'll round hill and river.
The bright moon hides in a high tree;
The Milky Way fades into dawn.
I'll go a long way to Luoyang,
Don't know which year again we'll see.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-12 23:16


Song of Ascending Youzhou Terrace
by Chen ZiAng

Can’t see the ancient people ahead,
Can’t see the future people behind.
Think of the sky and earth so vast,
Alone in woe I shed tears fast.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-12 23:16


Yellow Stork Tower
by Cui Hao

The man in past long gone, riding a yellow stork,
The Tower of the Yellow Stork is vainly left here.
Once gone and never back, so is the yellow stork;
White clouds are vainly floating for thousands of year.
Trees on river at Hanyang are clearly in sight;
And grass on Parrot Shoal is luxuriant and green.
Where's the hometown when evening sun sheds last light?
The river and waves in mists putting me in spleen.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-13 23:05


Write on the Door of the House in South Village Outside the Capital
by Cui Hu

On this day of last year in this doorway,
The face and peach blossoms both mirrored pink.
But no one knows where the face gone away,
Only peach blossoms still smile in spring wind.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-13 23:05


Anchoring at Night by Maple Bridge
by Zhang Ji

The moon sets, the crow caws and frost all o'er the sky;
With riverside maples, fishermen's lamps, I sleep in woe.
From the Cold Mountain Temple outside City Gusu,
Comes the midnight bell when my boat casts anchor nigh.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-14 23:31


In the Year of  Pig
by Cao Song

Lands and swamps, hills and rivers, all on the battle map;
How can people their firewood gathering all enjoy?
Don't you talk to me how to seek for marquisate!
Success of a general costs myriad bones dry.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-14 23:32


Muse In Spring
by Jia Zhi

The grass is green and the willow's yellow;
Peach blossoms messy and pear blooms scented.
The east wind doesn't blow away my sorrow;
The spring sun does bring prolonged hatred.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-15 23:12


Visit a Hermit But Not Meet
by Jia Dao

I ask the pupil under a pine tree;
He says the master went picking the herbs;
Somewhere among the mountains he must be,
Don't know exactly where in deep clouds is he.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-15 23:12


See Spring Off on the Thirtieth  Day of the Third Moon
by Jia Dao

It is the thirtieth day of the third moon,
The splendid time deserts me who chant hard.
And you and I should not sleep tonight,
For still it's spring till morning bell is heard.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-16 23:27


Muse Up The Tower At The River
by Zhao Jia

Alone up the tower at the river, quiet muse I;
Moonlight looks like the water and water the sky.
Together under the moon we played, but where's she now?
Only the scene's the same as last year's that we saw.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-16 23:27


Song of Yizhou
by Gai Jiayun

Flush the oriole, please;
Don't let it warble on the bough.
Its warble startles me from my dream,
So I can't go to West Liao.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-18 00:02


Spring Sorrow
by Liu Fangping

The sunset fades into dim twilight through screened window,
As in the golden house her trace of tears seen by none.
In lone empty courtyard the spring is about through,
The pear blooms all over the ground, the door's not open.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-18 00:02


Parting With Monk Lingche
by Liu Changqing

The temple among the bamboos, lush and green;
The bell in evening sounds low and far.
His lotus hat carries slanting sun beam;
Alone he returns to green hills so far.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-19 01:11


Lament Over Autumn
by Lu Lun

With the year gone, hairs on the head white grow;
When autumn comes the leaves all turn yellow.
Scratching my head, I face the leaves yellow:
"Together with you, I’m deep in sorrow."
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-19 01:12
秋日湖上 (晚唐)薛瑩


On the Lakes in Autumn
by Xue Ying

A tour on the Five Lakes at the sunset;
Mists and waves everywhere put me in woe.
For millenniums of ups and downs of affairs,
Who will ask the currents that eastward go?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-19 23:23


Plum Blossoms
By Wang Anshi

At a wall corner some plum trees grow;
Alone against cold white blossoms blow.
Aloof one knows they aren't the snow,
As faint through air soft fragrances flow.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-19 23:24


Fallen Blossoms
by Zhu Shuzhen

The blossoms on the twin trees in full bloom;
The jealous winds and rains shake them and toss.
Would that the King of Spring be ever in reign!
Don't let the blossoms drop and dot green moss.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-20 23:35


Thinking When Reading
by Zhu Xi

A half mu of square pond like an uncovered mirror;
In it, light of sky, shadows of cloud, both wander.
If asked how the pond can be so lucid and fresh,
Told that sources with flowing water replenish.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-20 23:36


On a Boat
by Zhu Xi

The vernal flood rising to river bank last night;
The colossal ships move as a feather, so light.
It seemed to waste energies to move them before,
But they go effortlessly in midstream just now.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-21 23:06

The Raven River
By Li Qingzhao

Be a hero when alive;
Be a martyr when die.
Think of Xiangyu now
Who refused to cross the river.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-21 23:06


Chant About Sticking a Flower
by Shao Yong

A flower sticking on head reflects in the wine cup;
Therefore, the cup of wine has a nice flower in it.
I've lived through peaceful days of double generation,
And have seen the heyday of four emperors' reign.
Moreover, my body and muscles still healthy and fit,
With a season of flowery scent in addition.
Since wine contains flower shadows and red hue in cup,
Drunk before flowers, then back home, how can I refrain?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-23 00:27


Written on an Inn Wall  in LinAn
by Lin Sheng

Hills beyond green hills and buildings beyond buildings;
When will end on the West Lake singings and dancings?
The warm breeze intoxicates people for pleasure go,
Who taking City Hangzhou for City Bianzhou.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-23 00:28


A View from My Village Abode
by Fan Chengda

The green's all o'er the hills and white foam on the stream;
The cuckoos call amidst the smoke-like misty rain.
In the village in April very few people idle;
When silkworm breeding ends, the plowing starts again.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-24 01:16


A Fisherman On the River
by Fan Zhongyan

Happy is the man up and down the river,
About the beauty of perches he craves.
But, lo, yonder is a lonely little boat,
Tossed and torn by the winds and waves.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-24 01:17


On the Lake
by Xu Yuanjie

The red blossoms on trees in bloom with orioles chirping;
The grass grows by the smooth lake while egrets flying.
The sun shines, the breeze gently blows, and people enjoying;
How many boats return in sunset, fifes ‘n’ drums sounding?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-24 22:41


A Woman Silkworm Breeder
by Zhang Yu

When yesterday I went to town,
On return, my tears soaked my gown,
For those dressed in the silk so warm
Are not the breeders of silkworm.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-24 22:42


Late Spring
by Cao Bin

No one cares about the fallen blossoms outside the door;
Only the green shades of the trees spreading everywhere.
When the orioles in the forest emitting no more sound,
I alone listen to frogs croaking in the grassy pond.
作者: 山菊    时间: 2011-11-25 01:19
海外逸士 发表于 2011-11-24 09:42


作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-26 01:03
Thanks, the same to you!



Visit The Garden When Host's Not In
by Ye Shaoweng

As hating so much on the lawn to have the prints of shoes
That oft at nine knocks out of ten the wooden door opens not;
But spring beauties all o'er the garden no one can enclose,
So outstretches over the wall a bough of red apricot.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-26 01:04


Autumn Moon
by Cheng Hao

The limpid creek flows past the verdant peak;
Sky and water in fall both fresh and clear.
Thirty miles away from the dusty world,
White clouds and red leaves floating far and near.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-26 23:55


On the Way to Sanqu
by Zeng Ji

It's fine everyday when the plum turns yellow;
I climb the hill as my boat's at the end of a rill.
And no less green shades than seen all the way I came;
For four or five times falls to my ear some oriole's trill.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-26 23:56


Out from Temple Jingci At Dawn
by Yang Wanli

The West Lake in June, when all is said and done;
For all the seasons ne’er the same is the scene.
The lotus leaves touching the sky in boundless green;
The lotus flowers specially red in shining sun.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-27 23:16
絕句(宋)僧  志南


A Four-Line Poem
by Monk ZhiNan

A hooded boat is tied in shades of ancient trees;
A stick of Lamb's-quarters helps me o'er bridge to east.
The rain from apricot blooms almost wets my dress,
While feel no cold on face, through willows blows the breeze.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-27 23:17


Beginning of Autumn
by Liu Han

Young crows disperse, cawing, and empty are jade screens;
With a pillowful of fresh cool, a fanful of wind.
Waking up, the autumn sound nowhere to find;
Chinese parasol leaves all o'er steps in moon beams.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-28 23:34


A Reply To Ding YuanZheng
by Oyang Xiu

Spring wind's doubted ne'er to reach the remote regions;
The town on hills in February, no flowers yet seen.
Remaining snow pressing on boughs still hung with orange;
Wintry thunders startle bamboo shoots about budding.
At night hearing wild goose call, I have nostalgia;
Sickness into New Year, I feel for ev'rything.
We both were the guests under blossoms in Luoyang;
No need to sigh though wild flowers fade in evening.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-29 22:43


Snow And Plum (1)
by Lu Meipo

Plum and snow vie for spring, and none admit defeat;
So poets put down brushes, hesitating to comment.
Plum is inferior to snow, short of three-tenth white;
Snow's beaten by plum for lack of a whiff of scent.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-29 22:43


Snow And Plum (2)
by Lu Meipo

With plum without snow, how the spirit shows?
With snow without poems, poets vulgar turning.
At dusk, poems completed, again it snows,
Which together with plum forms ten-tenth spring.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-30 22:57


A Tour in Zhang Garden in Early Summer
by Dai Min

The ducklings in the pond, here shallow and here deep;
The weather when plums ripe, half cloudy and half good.
I drink in East Garden, then drunk in West Garden;
And pick all loquats that look like a tree of gold.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-11-30 22:58


The Harvest Moon
by Su Shi

As dusk clouds cleared, the sky's overflowed with cool light;
And noiselessly the Jade-Plate moves in Milky Way.
But seldom here in life is such a nice tonight;
And next year, where the moon be seen bright with her ray?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-1 23:40


Drinking On the Lake While Fine At First But Raining Later
by Su Shi

The rippling waters in sunshine, how beautiful!
And misty mountains in the rain, how wonderful!
If I compare the West Lake to Xizi the fair,
She's fit either in plain dress or attired in full.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-1 23:40

横看成岭侧成峰, 远近高低各不同。 不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。

Written On the Wall of West Forest Temple
By Su Shi

It looks like a ridge, viewed from this side, and a peak from that side
The view's different from far or near, from high or low
I don't know what its face really looks like
'Cause I am within the range of Mount Lu
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-2 23:37


A Reply
by a super hermit

By chance I come here under the pine tree,
Asleep, my head on a stone as a high pillow.
As there is no calendar among the mountains,
When cold weather ends, which year it is, I don't know.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-2 23:37


No Title

Sublime’s the deed for ages Longhua* admired;
The great will lives on though the hero died.
Blood within the walls and peach blossoms without,
In red and freshness they will both abide.
*Longhua is a place in the suburb of Shanghai.
The poet was a martyr who died in a prison there in the period of KMD’s reign..
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-3 23:31


Poem in Tune of Yijiangnan
by Bai Juyi (Tang Dynasty)

Good is the South of the Yangtze;
The scenes are just like in old times I know.
At sunrise, flowers on the river redder than fire;
When spring comes, the river water is green like blue.
How can’t I recall South of the Yangtze?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-3 23:31

作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-4 23:58


Poem in Tune of Yugezi
by Zhang Zhihe (Tang Dynasty)

The egrets hovering before Xisai Mountain;
Peach blossoms, flowing water, mandarin fish fat.
Green palm fiber raincoat; Green bamboo leaf hat;
No need to return in slanting wind and light rain.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-5 23:14


Poem in Tune of Mengjiangnan
by Wen TingYun (Tang Dynasty)

Just finished combing and washing,
Leaning on Look-Over-River Tower alone.
None are the one among thousand sails by-gliding;
Only sunset staring down, water stretching long.
On Clover-Fern Shoal feel heart's breaking.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-7 00:04


Poem in Tune of Rumengling
by Li Qingzhao (Song Dynasty)

Last night, the rain was light, but the wind strong;
Deep sleep didn’t clear hangover away.
When ask the one rolling up the screen,
The answer is begonia's the same.
Do you know?  Do you know?
Should be the green is fat and the red lean.
作者: 谢花零落    时间: 2011-12-8 09:46
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-8 23:48


Poem in Tune of Caisangzi
by Xin Qiji (Song Dynasty)

When young, I don't have any notions what woes really mean;
Just love to get on floors so high.
Just love to get on floors so high;
To write new poems, I try to say the words of woe and spleen.
But now I fully have ideas of what woe really is;
About to speak, but hold it back.
About to speak, but hold it back;
I only make it as how good and cool the autumn is.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-9 23:55


Poem in Tune of Pusaman
(Written on the wall of Zaokou in Jiangxi Province)
by Xin Qiji (Song Dynasty)

The clear river water below Yugu Terrace;
How many tears in it----tears of the travelers.
If want to see ChangAn in the northwest,
It's pitiful beyond many a hillcrest.
The verdant mountains cannot block its flow;
After all towards the east it does go.
At dusk on the river I am grieving,
Hearing in deep mountains partridges tweeting.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-10 23:47


Poem in Tune of Qingpinle (Late  Spring)
by Huang Tingjian (Song Dynasty)

Where is spring gone?
No way to travel in loneliness.
If anyone does know where spring is gone,
Call it back to live together with us.
Since spring's gone without a trace, so who knows.
Unless ask the oriole that is chirping;
But no one can understand his meaning,
When he flies with wind o'er a bed of rose.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-12 00:33


Poem in Tune of Dielianhua
by Su Shi (Song Dynasty)

Remaining red fading from flowers, apricots small and green;
When the swallows are hovering,
Around the houses goes the water green;
Since blown away, willow catkins on boughs are less and less.
In every corner of the world nowhere without lush grass.
The swings within the walls and the highways outside the walls;
The travelers outside the walls,
Hear the laughs of beauties within the walls.
Gradually the laughter's fading, no more footsteps hearing,
So those with feeling are annoyed by those without feeling.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-12 23:22

人生易老天難老,歲歲重陽。 今又重陽,戰地黃花分外香。
一年一度秋風勁,不似春光。 胜似春光,寥廓江天万里霜。

The "Double-Ninth" Day in Tune of CaiSangZi﹕

Men easily grow old, but the welkin hardly so,
Once a year comes the "Double-Ninth" Day,
Now again comes the "Double-Ninth" Day,
Smell unusually sweet on war seat the flowers yellow.
That time of each year blows the autumn wind swift and strong,
It is unlike the spring's splendor,
But better than the spring's splendor,
Myriad miles of frost chills the sky vast, the rivers long.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2011-12-13 23:01



Poem Composed When Watching Sunrise on Mt. Yellow

In the heavenly dyehouse
Vats filled with five colors broken
So dyeing the white satin clouds
Into colorful brocade dress
I want to ask the girl weaver
To embroider a red dress for me
I’ll give it to my beloved
The trivial gift shows my deep love

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