The boy hears rain sing upstairs,
The bed candle glares.
The man hears rain push th' canoe,
Stream broad, clouds low.
In the sough the stray birds coo.
The rain wets his hut today,
His sideburns half gray.
Joys, worries and parting woe,
Let the steps flush
Till at dawn cocks crow. 作者: 海外逸士 时间: 2018-1-14 23:52
The boy hears rain sing upstairs, [SING 在此語法上絕對錯誤,歌樓,不是在樓上歌。原文都不能好好理解]
The bed candle glares. [不是原文意思]
The man hears rain push th' canoe,[BOY與MAN對照,未必指同一人。理解不正確。PUSH語法絕對錯誤。CANOE是獨木舟。]
Stream broad, clouds low.
In the sough the stray birds coo.[與原文意思不匹配。COO是鴿子叫,雁叫是HONK。基本知識不扎實。]
The rain wets his hut today,[這裡的HIS應該指MAN的,不是僧廬。表達不清。]
His sideburns half gray.
Joys, worries and parting woe,["總無情" 意思在哪裡?]
Let the steps flush [意思是LET 踏階 FLUSH?]
Till at dawn cocks crow.[原文沒有雞叫意思。"滴"的動詞應該用什麼?]
Rain listening up in brothel while being young,
To my bed curtain the red candle shed lights on.
Rain listening within the Ferry while being adult.
In wild wind cried the lone goose,
Over endless river and the drooping cloud.
Still listening to rain in the fane here and now,
Already full of stars among my earlock
No Longer care about the joys and sorrow though,
Despite to stairs,
All till dawn the rain drops as so.