
标题: 古人詩詞名句選譯 [打印本页]

作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-19 22:35
标题: 古人詩詞名句選譯
Essays are originally there composed by heaven;
Only by chance a lucky person gets one.

Who knows the rice on the plate,
Every grain from hard labor?

In empty mountains, no one is seen;
But human voices still heard.

The untalented official often deserted by the wise emperor;
The long-time sick person scarcely visited by old friends.

Autumn turning late, the call of cicadas becomes short;
On the empty river the shadow of wild geese look elongated.
作者: 李根    时间: 2016-11-20 00:53

作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-20 22:24
The zigzag footpath leading to the secluded place;
The monk’s room hidden in the depth of flowers and trees.

The cool wind doesn’t know the words,
Why come to turn the pages of the book?

When the sea goes dry, the bottom’s seen;
But when a person dies, his thoughts still unknown.

The drunken face looks like frosty leaves,
Though red, is not spring.

Who said the mind of a little grass
Has ability to return the favor of spring sunlight?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-22 06:46
As woods flourish, birds have some place to return to;
Since water’s so deep, fish know where to gather.

If wishing to shoot the rider, shoot the horse first;
If wishing to catch thieves, catch their leader first.

When reading, finish one hundred pages,
Then when writing, all readers will be surprised.

Trees in spring in North Wei;
Clouds at sunset to east of the river.

If chop down the laurel tree in the moon,
There should be more light shining.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-22 22:21
Let fishes jump in the sea so vast;
Let birds fly in the sky so high.

The power of horses is known through the long journey;
The mind of people understood only after a long time.

If the ant wants to shake a big tree,
Ridiculously, it doesn’t know its own strength.

Essays hate good fate;
Monsters like people’s faults.

How late the lonely stork returns;
But crows at dusk already crowd the forest.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-23 22:06
Two forked currents sandwich the “bright mirror”;
The twin bridges are like fallen colorful rainbows.

The long wind for thousands of miles
Blows over the Jade-Gate Pass.

From the time-honored battlefield
Never seen people returning.

How to get a sky-reaching sword
To slay the huge whale on the sea.

My boy comes riding on a bamboo stick,
And goes round my bed playing with the green plum.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-25 00:09
The rain, once falling, can’t go back to the sky;
The water, once spilt, can’t be taken back.

I go to see storks, carrying my zither;
And pillow on a stone, waiting for clouds to return.

Ashamed to peck food with the rooster;
Wishing to mingle with phoenix for ever.

White bones piled up into mounds;
What guilt do people have?

The lovesickness is like the bright moon
That can be seen, but can’t be reached.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-25 22:39
Picking chrysanthemums at the east fence,
I see the south mountain in a casual mood.

The oriole’s aware of the regret as spring turns late;
The ape knows the sorrow of the days gone so fast.

About to get the zither to play,
I hate there’s no one to appreciate.

When the sun sets, the river and lake look white;
When the tide comes, the sky and earth is blue.

I reach where the waterway ends,
It’s when I sit to watch clouds rising.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-26 21:54
As the grass withers, the eyesight of the eagle is sharp;
When there’s no more snow, the hooves of the horse feel light.

The sound of water turns mute under ice;
The sandy road becomes flat in the snow.

The sound of birds change with the flute;
The shadow of flowers moves following the wind.

A long cord ties the sun to make it stay
A rope binds the flowing river to detain it.

The shadow of a stork passing over the cold pond;
The soul of poetry buried under the chilly moon.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-27 22:09
As birds startle, it’s thought to be dawn;
If flowers laugh, it’s nothing to do with spring.

Flowers bloom following red tendency;
Leaves are new after green appearance.

There’s scant footprint on the green moss
While much tear trace on the red rouge.

When the tune ends, no one is seen;
Only some green peaks at the river.

The magpie flying under the moon over hills at dawn;
The cicada chirping in the wild wind of autumn.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-29 22:35
Don’t perch on the boughs of bad trees;
Don’t drink the water of Theft Spring.

The loyal martyrs from old time till now
Are mostly from poor families.

If friendship is based on power and wealth from the beginning,
So when out of power and wealth, the friendship ends.

With grass so hampering, people have to walk slow;
With flowers so abundant, birds flying through delayed.

In the ancient woods birds tweeting in cold;
Among empty mountains apes crying at night.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-11-30 21:57
From white clouds fly down the summer rains;
Over the blue peak spans the spring rainbow.

Fish swim at the bottom of water, so cool;
Birds twitter in the forest, so quiet.

Oars pierce the moon at the bottom of the waves;
Boats press on the sky in the water.

“Fiery trees” and “silvery blossoms” mixing;
The iron lock on the starry drawbridge unlocked.

White feathers floating on the green water;
Red webbed feet stroking the blue waves.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-1 23:31
If read over ten thousand volumes,
You’ll write beautifully like in magic.

Beast-like clouds devour the setting sun;
Bow-shaped moon shoots out the comet.

The leaf resembles eyebrows in the mirror;
The flower looks like the snow beyond the Pass.

The mountain is so remote as suspected having no trees;
The tide is so smooth as if it looks not flowing.

The thinking of you is just like the full moon,
Its brightness diminishes every night.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-2 22:25
If there’s no one, there’s certainly no myself;
If it’s not “behind”, it’s not “before”.

Get a couplet finished in two years;
When reading it, tears trickling down.

Birds perch on trees by the pond, asleep;
The monk knocks at the door under moonlight.

There’s no word from kinsfolk and friends
But at least I’ve a single boat when old and sick.

大漠孤煙直, 長河落日圓。
The lone smoke rising straight up in the desert;
The setting sun is round above the long river.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-3 22:11
Looking at flowers, poetic inspiration occurs;
Facing wine, the sorrow of a traveler becomes less.

Don't return to homeland when not old,
Or will be heart-broken when returning.

The Twenty-Four Bridge at a moonlit night;
Is it where to let the beauties play the fife?

When waking up from a dream in Yangzhou for ten years,
Only win the fame of a loveless man in the whorehouse.

If the east wind didn’t do young Zhou a favor,
Both Qiao girls’d be locked in Brass-Sparrow Terrace in deep spring.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-4 21:57
Hating rouge and powder smearing her face of natural color,
She brushes her eyebrows slightly and goes to see the emperor.

Be acquainted when having power and wealth,
But a stranger when without power and wealth.

There are books that I haven’t read;
And nothing that I can’t tell others.

And all say that life is but a dream;
It’s better to be happy in dream than sad in life.

Who can remember the way so long among hills and rills?
Where in this wide world is the homeland?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-5 22:15
Pine trees line up on the hill surface with thousand layers of emerald
While the moon like a pearl dots in the center of waves.

As a horse gallops through dusts the imperial concubine smiles;
And no one knows it’s the litchi that is coming.

The torrent flying downward from three thousand feet high,
As if the Milky Way falling from the ninth clouds.

I feel the day as long as a year only at leisure;
Any problem even as big as the sky seems nothing when drunk.

I have to go uphill even though drunk
Since white clouds won’t come downhill.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-6 22:40
Though I don’t have wings on the body like a colorful phoenix,
I do have intuition in my heart like a rhino with the charmed horn.

There’s no more silk in the spring’s silkworms when dead;
The “tears” of the candle will dry only when it burns to ashes.

I easily get to know the face of the east wind;
All in all, spring is just a myriad purple and a thousand red.

The red strings no longer played because of the beauty;
The apples of my eyes turn only toward good wine.

Cool winds sweep the ground as autumn comes ahead;
Though the sun clambers into zenith, the hot noon is not felt.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-7 22:22
Clouds envelope the distant valley like thousand pieces of sorrow;
Rains beat the returning boat like myriad threads of teardrops.

The temples from today on are added with new white;
The chrysanthemum from last year is still yellow.

Don’t say there’s no way to the sky;
This mountain is the ladder to the blue clouds.

No one knows who cuts out thin leaves;
It’s spring wind in February that’s like scissors.

The crowing cock already reports the advent of dawn in mountains;
The coming wild geese convey the message of cold from sandy frontier.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-8 23:35
When one is a stranger alone in a strange land,
He’ll think of his folks every time at a festival.

In the daytime, I climb the mountain to watch beacons;
In the evening, I let my horse drink at the Jiao River.

If a flower and a bamboo have the intention,
They can make people stay without speaking or smile.

Be happy with a cup of wine when living;
Why need a posthumous fame lasting a millennium?

Don’t pour wine yet if you host have some;
Just listen to my song of “Sing As Woe Comes”.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-10 03:04
The present people can’t see the ancient moon;
But the present moon once shone over the ancient people.

I am drunk and will go to sleep; so you can go.
You can come tomorrow carrying your zither if you want.

When flowers fall, orioles will not come again;
As your wife grows old, your love’ll surely change.

Don’t worry you won’t have cronies as you go ahead;
Whoever lives under heaven doesn’t know you?

The emperor sends for you, but you won’t go aboard,
And say Your Majesty’s courtier is the god of wine.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-10 23:51
How can a hero be found to draw water from Celestial River
To wash clean armors and weapons for long-time disuse.

How can we get sharp scissors of Bingzhou
To cut half of the water from Wusong River.

The blue water drops far from a thousand cascades;
The jade hill towers so high with two cold peaks side by side.

I’m so eccentric as always fond of good wording;
I won’t stop, even dying, if my wording can’t stun readers.

Even if your body and fame both perish,
It won’t stop rivers from flowing for ages.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-11 22:18
Every generation in the nation produces geniuses;
Each will be a leader in literary fields for hundreds of years.

Pavilions near water get the moonlight first;
Flowers toward the sun are easily favored by spring.

Friendship between gentlemen seems tasteless like fresh water;
Friendship between low cads is sweet like sugary wine.

I regret not having read more books when needed;
I don’t know difficulties in doing things till experienced.

Won’t refuse to die if able to become flatfish together;
Wish to be mandarin ducks, even being immortals not desired.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-12 22:32
The sunset just ends with poetic interest;
The good wind brings tinkling of pendants.

If the love of each other is long endurable,
Why care about meeting of a morning and evening?

What is the most heart-broken about blossoms at the river?
When they half fall on the river current and half in the air.

If learned only from books, the knowledge is shallow;
Be aware such a thing must be learned from experience.

If not going through the freezing cold to the bone,
How can plum blossoms be thus fragrant to the nose?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-13 23:06
After all, who can be the hero like him,
Burning navel fat for light, no need for a lamp.

Last night my old friend began to sleep in underworld;
Today my white hair hangs reflected in the mirror.

If asking me what’s so good of returning home,
My lady’ll come down from the loom to meet me, smiling.

Nowhere there’re no blooms flying down in spring in the city;
The imperial willow twigs hang aslant in east winds on Cold Meal Day.

Spring in the quiet empty courtyard will turn late;
Pear blossoms all over the ground with the door shut.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-14 22:21
Spring in the quiet empty courtyard will turn late;
Pear blossoms all over the ground with the door shut.

Passers-by don’t need to often ask for my name;
Hearing the sound of my reading, that’s my home.

Clouds hanging across Qin Peak, where is my home?
As snow blocks the Blue Pass, my horse can’t go forth.

How many times in life do people regret over things past?
The contour of mountains still lies at the flowing river.

In fragrant forest, new leaves urge old leaves to leave;
In flowing water, waves in front make way for waves behind.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-15 22:20
A stork soaring up to split clouds in the sunny sky
Seems to draw poetic inspiration to the blue vault.

Swallows in old time nesting before halls of Wang and Xie homes
Now fly into the houses of ordinary people.

Clouds think of dress while flowers the visage;
Spring winds brush railings, the crystal dews dense.

The vernal breeze greens banks of the South of the River again;
When will the bright moon shine on me to my homeland?

The little lotus flower just shows its tiny bud tip,
And a dragonfly already stands on it.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-16 22:32
Only the falling blossoms show no vulgar attitude,
And don’t mind my languor, dropping all over my head.

來如春夢幾多時, 去似朝雲無覓處。
How long does it come like spring dream?
Nowhere to seek it when gone like dawn clouds.

I don’t know where to meet you,
Just like two duckweeds in the sea.

Nothing is accomplished, but I grow old;
Where will I go if not the land of drunkenness?

What’s left is the thinking lady with knitted eyebrows of sorrow;
Even the endless spring breeze can’t blow them unknitted.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-17 21:55
After toilette, I ask my husband in a low voice;
“Is it the fashion to draw my eyebrows like this?”

The only thing fair in the world is the white hair
That never forgets to grow on the head of nobles.

Goddess of Frost and Goddess of Moon can both stand cold;
They vie for beauty, one in frost and one on the moon.

The autumn coolness is not gone, and frost flies at dusk;
Leave the withered lotus there so as to listen to rain sound.

Chang O must have remorse for the theft of the elixir;
That haunts her mind every night in the sea-blue sky.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-18 22:42
Since parting, my face looks languished,
As I half think of my boy and half hate him.

The pitiable bones by the Wuding River
Are of the ones in the dreams of their wives.

It doesn’t matter the road in life has less smooth places;
But there’s more unjust complaint among men of talent.

Everyone should only sweep the snow in front of his door,
And no need to care for the frost on tiles of houses of others.

As just happy for the meeting, but soon there’s parting;
How can the one with feeling be like those without feeling?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-19 23:30
I have not earned fame and you not married;
We are both inferior thereby to others.

Year after year flowers seem similar;
Year after year people are different.

Old friends with old feelings cherish old feasts;
Mutual hope, mutual thinking, but can’t meet mutually.

The fading afterglow and the lone wild goose fly together;
The autumn water and the vast sky are of the same color.

Never remorse even when my girdle becomes loose
Because I have turned lank and languished for her.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-20 22:18
If karma allows, the couple will come to meet from thousand miles apart;
If karma doesn’t, they won’t get to know each other even face to face.

The color of moon adds fine hue to the color of spring;
The wind from reeds is cooler than the wind from bamboo.

I must have no such luck to share wealth in the world,
But will surely have the fame for my essays after death.

When flower scent invades the nose, one knows it suddenly turns warm;
As the sound of magpies penetrates woods, they are glad at being newly fine.

No one will not die since ancient time;
So leave a loyal heart in the history book.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-21 22:02
The sight right now is so pretty in the south of the river
When I meet you just at the time of flowers falling.

Over the wide water rice fields flying egrets;
In the shady summer trees warbling orioles.

I have a mind to return when seeing the bright moon overseas,
And think of parting when dreaming fallen blooms at the edge of the world.

The three ranges of hills look like half sinking beyond the blue sky;
The two currents of water split in the middle by the Egret Shoal.

The young Liu already hates the great distance to Peng Mountain,
Let alone a myriad times farther beyond the Peng Mountain.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-22 23:39
Bitter hatred pressed into golden threads year after year
As I always make the bridal dress only for others.

She comes out at last after thousands and thousands of calls,
Yet holds the lute in her arms to hide half of her face.

As we’re both those having fallen to dust in this wide world,
Why should we know each other before since we meet now?

Don’t think of old land facing old friends,
Just try new tea on the newly kindled fire.

Among hills aft hills, water beyond water, there’s doubtfully no way out;
But with willows dark, flowers bright, another village turns up.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-23 22:03

Thousands of sails pass by a wrecked ship;
Myriads of trees flourish before a blighted one.

Water’s so clear, stones stick out, and fish can be counted;
Woods so deep, no one’s there, only birds call each other.

Some old people with flowers stuck in hair have no feeling of shame;
But flowers feel ashamed to be stuck in the hair of old people.

The pair of crab pincers filled with tender “jade”;
Its red insides under the lid, every piece scented.

Empty fences, old orchard, no trace of autumn;
The lean moon, clear frost, only the dream knows.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-24 22:12
The green mountain is so lucky with loyal bones buried under;
The white iron is so innocent, being cast into statues of traitors.

A doubt of guests coming just as the wind knocks on bamboos;
Hard to send letters since the wild geese don’t fly to mountains.

Now and then one or two petals fall from withered flowers;
All of a sudden three or five calls sound from lovely birds.

The traveling road for ten years often follows wild geese;
The autumn sound in a tree is just that of cicadas.

Everyone says the South of the River is good;
Travelers must grow old in the South to the River.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-26 23:20
The wind roaring, ho, water in Yi River is cold;
The hero going, ho, he will never return.

There’s no need to have much of the touching splendor of spring;
A speck of red among a stretch of myriad green is just enough.

Spring wind is complacent with flowers all over thousand miles,
Autumn moon shines bright with a tree of cinnamon.

With spring breeze so complacent the horse hoofs run so quick;
So I finish viewing all the flowers in Chang An during the day.

Whisking the stone and sitting there, the girdle of clothes becomes cold;
Returning from treading on fallen flowers, even horse hoofs are scented.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-27 23:04
Everywhere in life, people will meet unexpectedly.

Nowhere in the world without sweet grass.

Things not concerned, no need to take them to heart.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-28 22:38
詩經名句選譯 (3)
As I went away years ago,
Willows swayed with parting woe.
As now I’m coming,
Rain and snow keep falling.

Warbling, warbling, responds the Jujiu*
On an islet in the river.
The demure and chaste girl
Is the suitable life mate for a gentleman.
*a kind of water bird, a male only mates one female in the whole life. In mating season they will call to each other.

Giant rat, giant rat,
Don’t eat my grains.
I wait on you for three years,
But you don’t care for me.

Green, ho, the clothes, ho,
Green clothes with yellow linings.
There’s sorrow in the heart;
When will it cease?
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-29 22:17
The flourishing peach trees,
The blossoms brightly ruddy.
The bride coming to the boy’s home
Will bring harmony to his family.

There is a tall tree in the south,
But to rest there is impossible;
There is a roaming girl at Han river,
But to her one is not accessible.

Look, a mouse has its skin,
How can't a man stand on ceremony!
If a man can't stand on ceremony,
Why shouldn't he better cease to be?

With a long long fishing rod,
I'm angling at the Qi river.
How can I not think of you?
Only it's too far to get to you.
作者: kuxas    时间: 2016-12-30 17:16
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-31 00:25

why the reply should have more than ten words? ridiculous.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-31 00:25
Who says the River is wide?
A boat can take me across.
Who says the Song state is far?
I can look toward it on my tiptoe.

Green is your collar;
Always I'm thinking.
If we don't see for a day,
It's like as long as three months.

I go out of the east gate;
There are girls like clouds.
Though so many like clouds,
None are the one I think of.

The reeds are so lush and dense;
The white dews congeal to frost.
The girl I think of
Is at the water side.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2016-12-31 22:02
How to chop down boughs?
You can't do it without an ax.
How to take a girl for wife?
You can't without a matchmaker.

One should sing in front of wine,
Since how long the life will be.
‘Tis like the dawn dew;
Days gone are bitterly so many.

The moon’s bright, stars scarce;
Crows and magpies fly southward.
They hover thrice round the trees;
On which bough can they perch?

老驥伏櫪,志在千里; 烈士暮年,壯心不己。
An old steed retired in the stable
Still has the wish to run a thousand miles;
A hero in the late years of his life
Is still ambitious for great deeds.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2017-1-2 22:10
I will go to see the imperial garden tomorrow,
And send this message to Spring right away;
All flowers must be in full bloom overnight,
Don’t wait for morning winds to make them blow.

Just as leaves fall on the Tongting Lake,
I think of you ten thousand miles away.
The dew is dense and the scented quilts are cold;
The moon sets and the brocade screen is empty.

Don’t wash ears when returning;
Wash his heart for me.
We can get the true feeling when washing heart;
But only get vain reputation when washing ears.

寧可食無肉,不可居無竹。 無肉令人瘦,無竹令人俗。(東坡)
It’s better to have meals without meat;
But not without bamboo at the abode.
It makes people lean without meat,
But vulgar without bamboo.
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2017-1-3 22:58
The willow at Zhang Terrace, the willow at Zhang Terrace,
Is it still there now though it’s green before?
Even if its twigs hang like in the olden time,
It may be snapped by the hand of other people.

Sound of the wind, sound of the rain, sound of the reading, every sound goes into ear;
Affairs of the nation, affairs of the family, affairs of the world, all affairs taken to heart.

The firecracker sound sends away the old year;
The peach wood charm brings to all things the new phase.
作者: 怎这样呢    时间: 2017-1-4 02:20
作者: 海外逸士    时间: 2017-1-4 22:42

It’s nothing to walk in disgrace through crowds;
Even not care about how high the paper hat is.

Sing with wine in front and enjoy all the happiness to the utmost;
A hundred years pass in a flip of fingers and everyone turns to skeleton.

After all, heroic deeds gone with waves,
Only rivers and hills at a stretch in sunset.

The ageless east god sowing the verdure again;
The feelingful time increasing every year.

Always wishing that spring can stay all the year round;
But can’t elude bones turning to ashes even living a hundred years.

I still stand by the railings in the deep night,
Sadly seeking sad sentences in sadness.

Don’t worship gods; who sees them?
You can go up into blue clouds in a plane.

It’s really startling as years gone like a stream;
I feel it unfair as nothing achieved with time elapsing.

I’m all sighs for officials vying only for personal interests;
How many of them forget themselves and think of the nation?

It’s not for my ill luck to be difficult to gain my goal;
It’s not for my haughtiness I never ask favor of anyone.

Why so serious about how leading your life?
Dust after a hundred years is my body.

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