As you can imagine, my circumstances are very dismal. My wife will go under if things continue like this much longer. The constant worries, the slightest everyday struggle wears her out; and on top of that, there are the infamies of substance, who seek to avenge their impotence by casting suspicions on my civil character and by disseminating the most unspeakable infamies about me … I, of course, would make a joke of the whole dirty business; not for one moment do I allow it to interfere with my work but, as you will understand, my wife, who is poorly and caught up from morning till night in the most disagreeable of domestic quandaries is not revived by the exhalations from the pestiferous democratic cloaca daily administered to her by stupid tell-tales. The tactlessness of some individuals in this respect can often be colossal.
Among those present were Marx and his wife and Engels and his lady friend. The two couples were separated by a large room. When I approached Marx to greet him and his wife, he gave me a look and a meaningful smile that let me know that his wife strictly refused all contact with this lady friend. The noble woman was intransigent when it came to honoring mores. If anyone had had the impertinence to demand of her that she makes a concession in this regard, she would have refused indignantly.
It is absolutely essential that you get out of boring Brussels for once and come to Paris, and I for my part have a great desire to go carousing with you. If I had an income of 5000 francs I would do nothing but work and amuse myself with women until I went to pieces. If there were no Frenchwomen, life wouldn't be worth living. But so long as there are grisettes [prostitutes], well and good!
Mrs Hess is on the look-out for a husband. She doesn’t give a fig for Hess. If there should happen to be someone suitable, apply to Madame Gsell, Faubourg Saint-Antoine. There’s no hurry since the competition isn’t keen.
I can provide him with enough earlier, concurrent, and later details to send him reeling. For one last July here in Paris this Balaam’s she-ass made me, in optima forma, a declaration of love mingled with resignation, and confided to me the most intimate nocturnal secrets of her menage! Her rage with me is unrequited love, pure and simple.
What a diversity, from Bordeaux to Burgundy, from Petit Macon or Chablis to Chambertin, and from that to sparkling champagne! With a few bottles one can experience every intermediate state from Musard quadrille to the Marseillaise, from the exultation of the cancan to the tempestuous fever heat of revolution, and then finally with a bottle of champagne one can again drift into the merriest carnival mood in the world.
Dracula 发表于 2015-9-12 00:55! A, B- q1 n1 y; u3 Y7 G1 C; R
革命导师的八卦(一)+ }8 @1 u$ i( {, p! S
7 A: S& T- h5 r2 g/ }
这篇文章的主要资料来自Mary Gabriel关于马克思私生活的传记 Love and Capital: Kar ...
Dear Moor V, n- E& D# J6 y
1 z/ ~8 }9 a4 v. `0 f% n
Mary is dead. Last night she went to bed early and, when Lizzy wanted to go to bed shortly before midnight, she found she had already died. Quite suddenly. Heart failure or an apoplectic stroke. I wasn’t told this morning; on Monday morning she was still quite well. I simply can’t convey what I feel. The poor girl loved me with all her heart.
You will find it quite in order that, this time, my own misfortune and the frosty view you took of it should made it positively impossible for me to reply to you any sooner. All my friends, including philistine acquaintances, have on this occasion, which in all conscience must needs afflict me deeply, given me proof of greater sympathy and friendship than I could have looked for. You thought it a fit moment to assert superiority of your ‘dispassionate turn of mind’. So be it then!
Will Bakunin accuse the Americans of a "war of conquest", which, although it deals with a severe blow to his theory based on "justice and humanity", was nevertheless waged wholly and solely in the interest of civilization? Or is it perhaps unfortunate that splendid California has been taken away from the lazy Mexicans, who could not do anything with it? That the energetic Yankees by rapid exploitation of the California gold mines will increase the means of circulation, in a few years will concentrate a dense population and extensive trade at the most suitable places on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, create large cities, open up communications by steamship, construct a railway from New York to San Francisco, for the first time really open the Pacific Ocean to civilization, and for the third time in history give the world trade a new direction? The "independence" of a few Spanish Californians and Texans may suffer because of it, in someplaces "justice" and other moral principles may be violated; but what does that matter to such facts of world-historic significance?
At that time I was terribly scared of you. The desire existed to see you, but it seemed better to drop dead on the spot than to come into your presence; and when for some reason you popped into N. K. [Krupskaya]'s room, I instantly lost control and behaved like a fool. Only in Longjumeau and in the following autumn in connection with translations and so on did I somewhat get used to you. I so much loved not only to listen to you but also to look at you as you spoke. Firstly, your face is so enlivened and, secondly, it was convenient to watch because you didn't notice at that time.
Will this feeling of inner death ever pass away? I’ve reached the point where I find it strange that other people laugh so easily and that they obviously get pleasure from talking. I now laugh and smile almost never because an inner joy induces this in me but because it’s sometimes necessary to smile. I’m also struck by my present indifference to nature. And yet it used to make me tremble so strongly. And how little I’ve now begun to love people. Previously I would approach each person with warm feelings. Now I’m indifferent to everyone. But the main thing is that I’m bored with almost everyone. Hot feelings have remained only for my children and for V.I. (Vladimir Ilich, 指列宁)
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 01:174 D }7 P+ f5 l
对政治人物谈论道德是件很有趣的事情,就相当于要求政客言行如一、婊子有情、戏子有义一样。各人各有其专注 ...
穿着裤衩裸奔 发表于 2015-9-11 12:35
穿着裤衩裸奔 发表于 2015-9-11 12:532 j3 J; J8 V' k1 h! \9 j
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 01:50
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 01:55
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 01:171 o% [+ A( ^) A, o/ |$ Y
对政治人物谈论道德是件很有趣的事情,就相当于要求政客言行如一、婊子有情、戏子有义一样。各人各有其专注 ...
Dracula 发表于 2015-9-11 13:06" e% {, h* `, J% F* |% R
列宁得梅毒的传言,我读过一些,没有什么证据,就是猜测。属于莫须有。# v! a& [9 r! c. @: L
我个人对共产主义很没有好感。但 ...
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 02:14
关于列宁得梅毒的事情,我在别处看到的,似乎有根据,但是我对医学一窍不通,无法分辨真假。2 j; a$ s8 d6 z. J
1 j: S- w4 Y4 Z
而至于主义 ...
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 01:17! ~4 F* G k; {* }* ?
对政治人物谈论道德是件很有趣的事情,就相当于要求政客言行如一、婊子有情、戏子有义一样。各人各有其专注 ...
Dracula 发表于 2015-9-12 01:06
燕庐敕 发表于 2015-9-12 04:57* O r# H5 w( J8 l$ V
的确,政治家的业绩很少是用老二和子宫完成的,如果有相关,那还值得研究一下;否则基本就是八卦,看看就 ...
假如十八 发表于 2015-9-12 01:28 t4 r7 ^. \" G% U/ f
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 18:46( J- E5 {( d9 p% A! q! Z
假如十八 发表于 2015-9-12 14:28
雨楼 发表于 2015-9-13 16:10
由此可见,马,恩,列,毛,都是管不住自己裤腰带的。 y* ?( I7 H# w: t
难道这就是传说中的革命浪漫主义? ...
煮酒正熟 发表于 2015-9-13 17:18& @; K& ~9 ?- E6 _
恩没什么吧?问题是到了他们这个级别的,有几个管住了?这几位在个人生活方面并没有做出怎样过份的事情来 ...
燕庐敕 发表于 2015-9-12 19:22
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-14 06:48
以前在文学城,看到一个家伙的评论,共产党攻击国民 ...
平沙落雁 发表于 2015-9-14 07:05
我没觉的楼主在攻击谁,他过去也写过罗斯福婚外情的八卦,他只不过读的名人传记多一些,把一些普通人喜闻 ...
平沙落雁 发表于 2015-9-13 18:05
我没觉的楼主在攻击谁,他过去也写过罗斯福婚外情的八卦,他只不过读的名人传记多一些,把一些普通人喜闻 ...
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-14 06:48
" `" f g' c. b* M/ T
以前在文学城,看到一个家伙的评论,共产党攻击国民 ...
平沙落雁 发表于 2015-9-14 07:05
我没觉的楼主在攻击谁,他过去也写过罗斯福婚外情的八卦,他只不过读的名人传记多一些,把一些普通人喜闻 ...
天边一只猴 发表于 2015-9-14 07:27$ D; a5 P% {8 }! \3 \3 C: {
导师们穿着花裤衩被人绑在电线杆上,下边仰视的小民还不行说两声吗?还有公爵你这文章没写完啊。马恩列斯毛 ...
煮酒正熟 发表于 2015-9-14 06:18/ m5 l7 n0 y) `. H( y5 _# ^
恩没什么吧?问题是到了他们这个级别的,有几个管住了?这几位在个人生活方面并没有做出怎样过份的事情来 ...
雨楼 发表于 2015-9-14 05:10! D8 ~; J c/ ~
由此可见,马,恩,列,毛,都是管不住自己裤腰带的。+ a' y% K6 Q) B$ ]" k5 x
难道这就是传说中的革命浪漫主义? ...
草蜢 发表于 2015-9-14 14:56: X+ `: Z! g& a6 n1 @
% h5 {- G# H( C0 m
我觉得很好哇, 导师们都是正常男人,而且是有魅力的男人!
草蜢 发表于 2015-9-14 01:56
神马是风流错误?# V) Z! c: {0 T4 w1 n7 O
9 m- t- J/ d; D7 C
我觉得很好哇, 导师们都是正常男人,而且是有魅力的男人!
Dracula 发表于 2015-9-14 15:11$ r1 g& x. [3 p
斯大林年轻闹革命的时候,在他第一个妻子死后,身边好像有过好几个女人,可能还有个私生子,但我没看到过 ...
Dracula 发表于 2015-9-14 15:23
美国被公认是伟大的人物中私生活被谈论比较多的还有杰弗逊。他和他的黑人奴隶Sally Hemings之间的关系都 ...
Dracula 发表于 2015-9-14 15:111 [, f" L$ B& Y; Q( o
斯大林年轻闹革命的时候,在他第一个妻子死后,身边好像有过好几个女人,可能还有个私生子,但我没看到过 ...
雨楼 发表于 2015-9-14 05:10
由此可见,马,恩,列,毛,都是管不住自己裤腰带的。- X& l- s; s2 R
难道这就是传说中的革命浪漫主义? ...
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-14 06:53
不是不想玩,是不让玩了,国家太小,爱国的太多,也要给别人爱一爱国家的机会嘛。当初老蒋父子在爱国方面 ...
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-9-12 18:46& s$ a2 x% _ B5 w0 b3 B: O
齐的隆冬强 发表于 2015-11-19 15:54
细柳营 发表于 2015-11-5 22:28
关于老毛,李某的书可信度不大。其实他当初是不想写的,无奈儿子家缺钱,儿媳劝他写,只好写了--- 和儿子 ...
齐的隆冬强 发表于 2015-11-19 02:55
常挨揍 发表于 2015-11-19 03:29
玩牌也 发表于 2015-11-19 05:22. n5 ~. d( C3 U3 x: R
為毛這帖子裡,大家都不把凱恩斯當回事?人家好歹是資本主義的導師。而且,人家搞地是基,那麼領先潮流, ...
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-11-19 20:40
老兵帅客 发表于 2015-11-19 20:38
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