
标题: 纽约的雕像2-汉密尔顿 [打印本页]

作者: 海明山视    时间: 2014-1-5 07:49
标题: 纽约的雕像2-汉密尔顿
本帖最后由 海明山视 于 2014-1-6 09:23 编辑


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汉密尔顿Alexander Hamilton在中央公园

汉密尔顿Alexander Hamilton在中央公园

作者: 海明山视    时间: 2014-1-14 11:36
本帖最后由 海明山视 于 2014-1-14 11:37 编辑

party强调权力,尤其是财政大权,要集中在联邦政府。杰斐逊和麦迪逊就成立了民主共和党Democratic-Republican Party. 所以这两个人代表的是整个敌对党。当时的首都就在纽约,是汉米尔顿的大本营。在新首都选址的时候,民主共和党希望首都南迁,设在他们自己的家门口。汉密尔顿以此为筹码,要敌对党支持他的联邦政府财政设想。
作者: 仁    时间: 2014-1-14 14:00
作者: 海明山视    时间: 2014-1-14 23:39
仁 发表于 2014-1-14 14:00
汉密尔顿不想杀博也只是一种说法(opinion),真正的目的很难说清楚。他带去的手枪是大口径、轻扳机,比一般 ...

作者: 仁    时间: 2014-1-15 00:04
海明山视 发表于 2014-1-14 23:39
汉密尔顿是不是有意射偏,也许我们永远不会知道。军人出身的他,这么近的距离,象你说的在当时算是精良的 ...

作者: 海明山视    时间: 2014-1-15 01:47
本帖最后由 海明山视 于 2014-1-17 09:27 编辑
仁 发表于 2014-1-15 00:04
他们即使想用金三的办法解决,也没有那个能力。(顺便问金三用机枪扫有确切的证据吗?)当年戴笠在几米的 ...

What is Fat3 method ? It is not what kind of weapon he had his guys use.  The key is that he uses institutional power to settle the issue.  Between Hemilton and Aaron Burr, I agree with his comments on Burr.  Burr did not have a philosophical view about how the nation will be.  He did a lot political maneuver , including changing party, to make personal gain. Between Jefferson and Hemilton, it is really a fine line. Jefferson, from his Declaration of Independence, to his Democratic-Republican Party, all insists that individual and state are ahead of the federal government. But when he was in the office, he did the most to expend the territory of the United States. That does not undermine his political philosophy that collective individual right is higher than the government. Lincoln later developed into the government of the people, by the people, for the people.
作者: 仁    时间: 2014-1-15 03:03
海明山视 发表于 2014-1-15 01:47
What is Fat3 method ? It is not what kind of weapon he had his guys use.  The key is that he uses  ...

It's funny how one topic can lead to another. When did Burr change his party? He did run for NYG as an idependent.
作者: 海明山视    时间: 2014-1-16 10:28
仁 发表于 2014-1-15 03:03
It's funny how one topic can lead to another. When did Burr change his party? He did run for NYG a ...

Sorry, couldn't reply promptly.  Yesterday, I stayed at home because I was sick. So I got time in hand. Thank you for the conversation we run. It energized me. Today, I had to go to work. OK, let's get back on track. Aaron Burr started getting in the race of New York governor because the Federalist Party leaders in New York State approached him. He indicated his willingness to switch party affiliations and run in his home state as a Federalist. Hamilton was strongly against this idea. So he had to run as an independent. If I sounded simplifying the rich character of those historical figures, I  apologize. I just want to see why the American revolution followed its unique course. It certainly has a lot to do with these individuals' characters and their relations.

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