乱世佳人 (Gone With The Wind,1939)
魂断蓝桥 (Waterloo Bridge,1940)
琼宫恨史 (Queen Christina, 1933)
鸳梦重温 (Random Harvest,1942)
出水芙蓉 (Bathing Beauty,1944)
屏开雀选 (Pride and Prejudice,1940)
农家女 (The Farmer's Daughter,1947)
美凤夺鸾 (It Started With Eve,1941)
空谷芳草 (The Valley of Decision,1945)
美人计 (Notorious,1946)
春闺泪痕 (The Awful Truth,1937)
蝴蝶梦 (Rebecca, 1940)
鹿苑长春 (The Yearling,1946)
音乐之声 (The Sound of Music, 1965)
风流女窃 (Heart Beat,1946)
碧血黄沙 (Blood and Sand, 1941)
翠堤春晓 (The Great Waltz,1938)
太阳浴血记 (Dual in the Sun,1946)
红菱艳 (The Red Shoes, 1948)
简爱 (Jane Eyre, 1940)