
标题: 进展:切断中国原油管道 [打印本页]

作者: 四角池    时间: 2024-8-27 12:33
标题: 进展:切断中国原油管道
好久不看, 现在无人机能发展到这个阶段。。。
2 U' Q+ U7 M( z( E0 C3 U9 ~) R
, \6 Z3 l+ O! t" w+ \! I
$ v% r( U6 j  v  bOmsk is a critical juncture for oil being sent to China on the trans-siberian pipeline. If they shut the pipelines at Omsk and Tomsk, the pipeline going to China is completely cut off from Western Siberia and all oil fields except the one in far Eastern Siberia.2 e9 j+ I' I! x) V

7 n# ~+ E! c" J: LThis means the only way China gets that oil is by train and if you have been following that it's been having some issues lately.5 d) @9 Q% W0 M! n8 ?& `: {
8 h! T( [8 O/ t6 r0 \! x  R; k& D4 v6 @* u
这意味着中国获得石油的唯一途径是通过火车,如果你一直关注的话,最近它遇到了一些问题。; Q0 J  }& @# C% m3 o
9 ^' J! |+ v  T5 w, b: K, S

作者: 四角池    时间: 2024-8-27 12:34
FACT CHECK:  To significantly impact Russia’s oil supply to China, Ukraine would need to target this optimum combination of oil refineries, pipeline junctions, and storage facilities.   _8 D0 O' K5 X7 U- g% `

6 \( L/ H3 E4 M7 r- {. B0 l4 uGiven the recent drone attacks on Russian refineries, the following targets would further disrupt the oil supply chain to China:. c4 X' `( E0 Y! P) M# v6 k

- o- l+ Q& V" I/ Y. k! d1.Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) Pipeline: This pipeline is crucial for oil exports to China, especially from Eastern Siberia. Attacks on pipeline infrastructure, particularly junction points and pumping stations along the ESPO route, would severely disrupt the flow of oil to China.1 x# \2 ^0 P  S% q

* _1 l" z) s7 O3 b6 d  U2.Skovorodino Pumping Station: Located in Amur Oblast, near the border with China, this station is a critical hub in the ESPO pipeline. Disrupting operations here would significantly reduce the oil flow to China.
# u3 ]6 x: @2 T* P7 o
* N' j2 J) n4 A. y  l7 u' a; j) l3.Kozmino Oil Terminal: Located on the Pacific coast, this terminal is the end point of the ESPO pipeline, where oil is loaded onto tankers for export to China. Striking this terminal would throttle the final stage of oil exports to China.
* p8 z& y1 F2 Y$ A% `) I- h4 i# \7 U$ o
4.Kuyumba and Tayshet Junctions: These are critical nodes in the pipeline system that connect Western Siberian oil fields to the ESPO pipeline. Targeting these junctions would further constrain the supply chain by cutting off oil from Western Siberia.! {$ M- Q/ J. _' |% k& n1 [, j( k

+ ?! E' Q7 r6 O# E% L5.Oil Storage Facilities in Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai: These facilities store large amounts of oil before it is shipped to China. Attacks here would deplete reserves and disrupt the supply buffer that could mitigate the effects of pipeline disruptions.0 o7 u0 K; W6 v2 [3 k% a5 ~, o
# ~; ^4 N5 L0 h, |" t; N. [; J2 P8 v
6.Refineries in Eastern Russia: Beyond Omsk, other major refineries in Eastern Russia, such as those in Khabarovsk and Angarsk, could be targeted. These refineries process crude oil for export and domestic use, and damaging them would reduce the capacity to supply refined products to China.0 H- Q8 {% i( b* ~4 t* n' P9 K
8 o# S) g8 @) j
By combining strikes on these pipelines, pumping stations, storage facilities, and refineries, Ukraine would most effectively disrupt the flow of oil from Russia to China, creating a significant bottleneck in the energy supply chain and impacting this vital revenue stream that funds Russia’s ability to make war and perpetuate its illegal invasion and campaign of genocide in Ukraine.  - w# f9 K2 L( D: G8 _4 ^' U: v0 z

9 b& z2 }7 R! @& x* ?" F#FactCheck #Fact_Check
. A, I5 i) w( M( Y# U. g* U#UkraineWar
作者: 四角池    时间: 2024-8-27 12:35
四角池 发表于 2024-8-27 12:34) K2 Z/ H1 Q( Z) I4 g3 h/ Z- F
FACT CHECK:  To significantly impact Russia’s oil supply to China, Ukraine would need to target thi ...
( q9 Y2 E% \; x: E0 x9 n
  k2 U" U) \* M: X) y) x( H8 R; M0 `, ^/ x1 D0 v$ Q! d9 H* e8 J# {$ b
$ Y6 T9 [$ L% P, L6 w( I! k
3 e0 A5 ]6 O* v, K1.东西伯利亚-太平洋(ESPO)管道:该管道对于向中国(特别是东西伯利亚)出口石油至关重要。对管道基础设施的攻击,特别是 ESPO 沿线的交汇点和泵站,将严重扰乱流向中国的石油。1 q, Q( `( s& S% f: u

0 ~* N1 d3 J& Q! p2.斯科沃罗季诺泵站:位于阿穆尔州,靠近中国边境,该泵站是ESPO管道的重要枢纽。中断这里的运营将大大减少流向中国的石油。
# p. }$ O& R$ E. c, {/ h) n% c, G! C2 z' M$ k+ {
8 a. z% o7 V- e4 g5 x+ r4 n* S& B7 `6 R/ {0 s$ V7 k
$ }) c/ M  p" t7 k9 W/ U! I2 I- D+ I& T- G( [4 ]) l$ F
5.哈巴罗夫斯克和滨海边疆区的石油储存设施:这些设施在运往中国之前储存大量石油。这里的攻击会耗尽储备并破坏供应缓冲,从而减轻管道中断的影响。6 t* f9 w1 j' ~9 C

3 W$ U( t+ h- J6.俄罗斯东部的炼油厂:除了鄂木斯克之外,俄罗斯东部的其他主要炼油厂,例如哈巴罗夫斯克和安加尔斯克的炼油厂,也可能成为攻击目标。这些炼油厂加工原油用于出口和国内使用,损坏它们将减少向中国供应炼油产品的能力。" h% ^& D: B+ N5 N& V, }

+ R  h& G% V8 @0 [& S7 N通过对这些管道、泵站、储存设施和炼油厂的联合打击,乌克兰将最有效地扰乱从俄罗斯到中国的石油流动,在能源供应链中造成重大瓶颈,并影响为俄罗斯的能力提供资金的重要收入来源。在乌克兰发动战争并使其非法入侵和种族灭绝运动永久化。
作者: 旺旺的考拉熊    时间: 2024-8-28 02:18
四角池 发表于 2024-8-27 12:35
4 B$ R  a: e) M* I事实核查:为了显着影响俄罗斯对中国的石油供应,乌克兰需要瞄准炼油厂、管道连接点和储存设施的最佳组合 ...

6 Y7 w! |7 r/ i% k. a0 t6 w乌克兰要是都能打到远东目标,干嘛不把莫斯科推平完事啊
作者: testjhy    时间: 2024-8-28 06:36
作者: semtex    时间: 2024-8-28 10:35
7 C' U* w: b3 k
( s& }' e/ A& o  H* |0 _1 w5 D这是吃定兔子除了回家哭,屁也不会放啊。
作者: 四角池    时间: 2024-8-28 12:20
旺旺的考拉熊 发表于 2024-8-28 02:18
2 `; Z1 E& K! P. b& e& r乌克兰要是都能打到远东目标,干嘛不把莫斯科推平完事啊

& B% E( h! ^/ A) h- D' m无人机, 主要是炸  大动脉附近的炼油厂, 策略上没有问题# S# u1 O, y' C& S0 u. r/ j4 ]
: y- H5 d9 Y; N! _  l3 L* r
6 b- a( T+ \: w7 a% E

" c- d/ s- w. Q" j' d/ y7 ^' a( H- i7 _3 k

作者: teeger    时间: 2024-8-28 13:31
作者: SDY    时间: 2024-8-28 16:10
四角池 发表于 2024-8-27 12:34
( n! t. K+ l- N. NFACT CHECK:  To significantly impact Russia’s oil supply to China, Ukraine would need to target thi ...
/ j/ c0 P* H5 U) W/ g4 `. O
西方人幻想打击中国已经变得走火入魔了。受好奇心的驱使去谷歌地图上丈量了一下从鄂木斯克和托木斯克  到乌克兰首都基辅的直线距离分别是2800公里和3000公里。用无人机飞越这么长的距离, 还要通过不知道多少的防空封锁线。美国一方面希望中国不支持俄罗斯,一方面又全方位打击封锁中国,这不是神经错乱了吗?
作者: hsb    时间: 2024-8-28 20:18
testjhy 发表于 2024-8-28 06:36
  g7 V! J% B. u9 h呵呵,这样做难道嫌中共不愿向俄罗斯提供武器?

! Z& Y+ j6 G) c1 J不嫌:前例破锣戏登台,大陆震天响地擂鼓,终究又如何了呢?
作者: HarryGore001    时间: 2024-8-28 22:11
作者: Misunderstood    时间: 2024-8-28 23:28
hsb 发表于 2024-8-28 20:18
( q+ t+ q# v  n" \' v. O1 O3 z' T. p不嫌:前例破锣戏登台,大陆震天响地擂鼓,终究又如何了呢?
1 l& c" T- |! J2 U3 c: X
终究老妖婆把台湾岛拖回家了? 还是台湾宣布独立建国了?
作者: Misunderstood    时间: 2024-8-29 09:34
应该问问老妖婆 “既然如此,又何必当初”,万里迢迢飞去台湾做一场烂秀,除了恶心一下中国,屁效果也没有。台湾没敢修宪改国号,美国也没敢承认台湾为独立主权国,堂堂世界老大,只会脱了裤子向对手放个屁。: _2 h9 j0 {! X: m) z# J- h
% x% q$ h4 I/ O* P7 G$ o3 {6 o" I
如果两岸风平浪静的时候,比如马英九执政年代,大陆不好无故作出激烈行动。现在美国送上借口,立马派出战机编队环岛飞行作实战演练,推翻台湾自认为存在的海峡中线,踩踏台湾自封的领空,岛蛙除了干嚎几声,啥办法也没有。$ m! ~* u4 l: P5 \4 g

作者: 孟词宗    时间: 2024-9-1 10:41
SDY 发表于 2024-8-28 16:10
$ Z$ e( y/ O" F  I8 t西方人幻想打击中国已经变得走火入魔了。受好奇心的驱使去谷歌地图上丈量了一下从鄂木斯克和托木斯克  到 ...
/ P: ~6 _8 ?; ~3 @9 J2 L, b
作者: sumigdai    时间: 2024-9-2 04:52
孟词宗 发表于 2024-9-1 10:41& d: }) d8 G: D6 X0 F
俄罗斯的防空是薛定谔状态。如果不是时不时抽个风,也不会让乌克兰的无人机顺利炸到了莫斯科。 ...
, a3 {; T9 Q: q& x

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