列侬虽然非常的鄙视Maharishi本人,但是列侬的慧根和悟性绝非他人能比,他从印度之旅得到的显然比乔治哈里森更多。列侬用他学习超觉静坐的体会写下了披头士歌曲里最为优美的歌词,他把这首歌命名为《穿越宇宙》(Across the Universe)。(《穿越宇宙》这首歌就是书生本帖的背景音乐)歌曲的旋律也充满了浓郁的印度风情。在歌词中,列侬看到了雨丝,看到了光,看到了笑声,列侬看到世上的万物都有自己的方式穿越宇宙。歌词里一句“Jai guru deva om ”来自梵文,是Maharishi教给列侬的Mantra(咒语),意思是“我们崇敬上天的神明”。 列侬体会到了自身和人类的渺小,但我们自己才是自己灵魂的主人。列侬体会到了真正的天人合一。同样的印度之旅,乔治哈里森悟出了“万物归于空”,而约翰列侬悟出了“一砂一世界,一叶一菩提”。
Words are flying out like
endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
are drifting thorough my open mind
Possessing and caressing me
Images of broken light which
dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a
restless wind inside a letter box
they tumble blindly as
they make their way across the universe
Sounds of laughter shades of life
are ringing through my open ears
exciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which
shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Jai guru deva
Jai guru deva作者: 雪个 时间: 2012-5-16 14:05
Mia这张照片里的笑容让我想起杜普蕾。。。作者: 苏鲁锭 时间: 2012-5-16 15:15
那地方风景好,干净,还有毗湿奴的林迦,附近还有毗湿奴登天的脚印。猴子特别多,抢走我一袋桔子。 作者: 老芒 时间: 2012-5-16 19:13
没听出来披头士的音乐有啥印度的影响,或许我对音乐了解太少了。作者: 猫元帅 时间: 2012-5-16 19:20