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热度 7已有 695 次阅读2015-12-19 07:37 |个人分类:点点滴滴| 芝加哥, 大学, 录取


  • Objective: SAT I and/or ACT (breakdown): 2300 (800 CR, 790 W, 710 M),SAT II (place score in parentheses): 780 US History, 800 Math II。Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 94.8/100。Rank/Percentile: Does not rank。AP (place score in parentheses): APUSH (4), AP World (5), AP Chem (5), AP Eng Lang (5)。Senior Year Course Load: AP Macro/AP Micro, AP US Gov/AP Comp Gov。
  • Reflection:Strengths: Standardized tests, UChi LOVES our school (we send a crazy amount of kids there), essays, recs.。Weaknesses: CA essay and interview。Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: My UChi supps were really good imo. Also, again, they love my school。Where else you are applying or have already applied: Rejected, Wharton ED. Accepted, SUNY Binghamton. Update: Accepted, UMich! General Comments/Advice/Hindsight: I feel shocked right now. So happy. So relieved. Getting rejected from Penn was a hard blow, but this makes me feel really really good。

  • Early Decision applications are binding and represent a serious commitment to Penn. In signing the Early Decision agreement, a student agrees to withdraw applications from all other schools if admitted to Penn. Further, Early Decision applications supersede any non-binding Early Action applications.
  • A student may apply Early Decision to only one institution. Accordingly, if a student applies Early Decision to the University of Pennsylvania and to another school, the Early Decision application to Penn will be withdrawn.
  • Objective: SAT I and/or ACT (breakdown): Critical Reading 750 Math 710 Writing 700。SAT II (place score in parentheses): Didn't send。GPA (out of 4.3): 3.78 (School doesn't do weighted/unweighted)。Rank/Percentile: School doesn't rank. AP (place score in parentheses): Chemistry - 5, World History - 4, Calculus BC - 5, APUSH - 5, Biology - 4, Literature - 5。IB (place score in parentheses): N/A。Senior Year Course Load: Shakespeare, AP Physics C, AP Econ, AP Stat, Chinese IV, Band。Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Honor Society, Merit Scholarship at school, Dean's list (once), Honor Roll (a few times).
  • Reflection:Strengths: Essays and Extracurriculars。Weaknesses: Probably my test scores。Why you think you were accepted: Essays were really strong. Also I had a lot of extra curricular stuff。Where else you are applying or have already applied: Princeton, Wake, Cornell, Colby, Grinnell, Columbia, Northwestern (RD), UNC and NC State (EA)。General Comments/Advice/Hindsight: I felt really good about my essay. Originally it was written on a more personal level, but an admissions officer told me that the supplement needed to be a representation of how I think, so I was able to rewrite it.









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