最近花三毛钱买了三本书,这第一本就是1879年首版的《亚洲之光》(The Light of Asia)。是第一本向西方人系统介绍佛陀生平的佛教经典。对欧美佛教影响颇钜。出版后,佛教乃广为欧美人士所知晓。
亚洲之光的作者是埃德温·阿诺德(Edwin Arnold,1832~1904),是将佛教介绍给近代欧洲人的英国文学家。1832年生于肯特。1852年,以诗作《巴尔萨斯的节日》获纽德基特奖。1854年毕业于牛津大学。曾任伯明罕英王爱德华六世学校副校长、印度波拿地区梵语学校校长。1861年,任《每日电信》
- Sir Edwin Arnold was an English poet and journalist. In 1856 he went to
India as principal of the Government Sanskrit College at Poona where he
gathered material for his future works. Returning to England in 1861, he
worked as a journalist and, later, editor of The Daily Telegraph, as
well as contributing to other journals including the Press, The Literary
Gaette, The London Review, and The Critic. It was Arnold who, on
behalf of the proprietors of the Telegraph, in conjunction with the New
York Herald, arranged the journey of Henry Morton Stanley to Africa to
discover the source of the Nile River, and Stanley named a mountain
after him. To his contemporaries, however, Arnold was best known as a
poet. The literary task which he set before him was the interpretation
in English verse of the life and philosophy of the East. His chief work
with this object was The Light of Asia, which was translated in various
languages, including Hindi. It appeared in 1879 and was an immediate
success, going through numerous editions in England and in America.