最近的美国总统奥巴马,就遇上了类似的麻烦事,因为和一位联合国官员的一句闲扯,被记者们纠缠的没玩没了:奥巴马说他戒烟是因为惧内(Obama: I quit smoking because of Michelle)。不过总统惧内,也不是什么坏事儿,反而会为奥巴马在政治上加分。坏就坏在,奥巴马接下来的一句无心之失:我戒烟都戒六年了(I haven't had a cigarette in 6 years ... that's because I'm scared of
my wife)。
记者们说,我们对他这个六年的说法表示怀疑,因为在四年前(2009年)的一次新闻发布会上,奥巴马还说他仍然为不能完全把烟瘾戒掉的事而苦恼不已,烦得狠呢(At a 2009 news conference, Obama said: I've said before that as a
former smoker I constantly struggle with it. Have I fallen off the wagon
sometimes? Yes. Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No.)。
这还不算,老记们还从中国法庭日前成功地公开审判薄熙来案件中得到了启发,引用第一夫人米歇尔不久前(2012年)的证词,对奥巴马当众撒谎一事不依不饶,穷追猛打。因为米歇尔说,奥巴马是因为他的两个女儿才戒的烟,根本和他自己在联合国闲扯中所标榜的什么所谓的怕老婆的一派胡言,风马牛不相及(In an 2012 interview with iVillage, First Lady Michelle Obama said her
husband had been motivated by their daughters to successfully quit for good. I know that his ability to ultimately kick the habit was because of
the girls, because they're at the age now where you can't hide, Michelle Obama
said. I think that he didn't want to look his girls in the eye and tell them
that they shouldn't do something that he was still doing.)。
另外记者们还进一步指控说,根据米歇尔的检举,奥巴马迟至2011年,还在抽最后一支烟,所以他说六年来一根烟都没有抽,实在也是自欺欺人吹牛皮,蔑视联合国,滑天下之大稽(The President might have been exaggerating a
bit: according to a
comment by
the First Lady, the President likely had his last cigarette in 2011.