热度 6已有 1637 次阅读2013-7-9 16:39
“Air quality in China is notoriously poor and recently has become an issue associated with increasing social unrest. Ambient concentrations of total suspended particulates (TSPs) between 1981–2001 were more than double China’s National Annual Mean Ambient Air Quality Standard of 200 μg/m3 (1) and five times the level that prevailed in the United States before the passage of the CleanAirAct in 1970. Furthermore, air quality is especially poor in
Northern China, which is home to several of the world’s most polluted cities (2). Following a career in the Southern China city of Shanghai, Premier Zhu Rongi reportedly quipped in 1999: “If I work in your Beijing [in Northern China], I would shorten my life at least five years” (3).