在麦帅的测试中果断中枪 "开恶作剧玩笑", 结果回头就和一个陌生人来了这么一出! ... ...
热度 25已有 1721 次阅读2013-6-13 00:34
陌生人, 恶作剧, 短信
果断中枪 "7. 开恶作剧玩笑", 结果回头就和一个陌生人来了这么一出,以下是短信对话实录,我拖着还能活动的左肩左手打的,
A 表示陌生人, M 表示我, 原文照写不少语法错误,将就看吧
A: Wassup
M: Hi
A: Who is this
M: So you messaged me first without knowing my name?
A: I had the wrong nunber
M: Ok
A: Can I know it name
A: Can I know you're name n social security number n that all
A: P
M: Come on, do I know you?
A: I don't know how old r u
M: Somewhere between 20 and 50, you?
A: Okay I'll leave u alone lol
A: what your name
A: Cause my uncle number this but on number wrong n this
M: So you are in New York (我查了一下号码是纽约区号)
A: Nope ABC (ABC 刚好是俺们这个州)
A: R u
M: same
A: Can I know you're name n social security number n that all
M: Name:douniwan, SSN:314159265
A: Cool name
A: That all i need Just to no u
A: U have the best name
A: Where u work at
M: How about your name and age first
A: Tori n I'm 18 (我没见过这个名字,查了一下,是个女名)
M: Nice name and age
A: Thanks where u work at
A: do u get a lot of money