晨枫 发表于 2017-8-13 23:07:52



特朗普带来美国的深层损害看来会很长久。现在的美国政府从白宫往下,几乎在auto pilot状态,缺乏coherent policy guidance。国务卿Tillerson、国防部长Matthis、财政部长Mnuchin等“强力部长”几乎成为近50年来最少言寡语的,他们也实在无话可说,总统既不放手,又不在大政方向上拿主意,他们能说什么、做什么呢?


Ivanka和Jared现在转入低调,几乎消失了。小布什在最背运的时候,还有一些铁杆围着。特朗普好像看不到什么铁杆,只有一群投机分子。也难怪,他从来就没有一个团队,仅有的都是竞选中才产生的。现在还没有到树倒猢狲散的地步,但signs are on the wall。


我一向对希拉里不感冒,但希拉里当总统,美国可能不至于“无政府”到这个地步,只会继续“orderly deterioration”。特朗普版民粹主义破产后,美国民间的反智倾向会有所收敛吗?失落的蓝领中产阶级会把失望和愤怒转向什么方向?







option 1:恢复精英政治
option 1a:出现英明精英(实际上不可能是一个聪明人,而是精英界中部分人figure out了way out,现在还看不到这个迹象)
option 1b:继续奥巴马-希拉里的老路,orderly deterioration,这个可能性更大,这只是加深美国的政治危机,减速而已

option 2:转向无政府主义的极端,导致西班牙内战一样的更加极端的反弹。这在几年前还是不可思议的,但特朗普政府内部的种种泄密和消极不合作使得这一前景不再那么不可能,但这是极其可怕的前景,后果比西班牙内战严重一万倍

美国会走上西班牙的老路吗?英国没有,但英国实际上在相对衰落期间,已经把“国本”悄悄转移到美国了,所以英美一体,借尸还魂。美国没有借尸还魂的途径,不可能借中国还魂,在文化、意识形态上都不可能。但前路何在?特朗普在竞选时似乎指出了alternative path forward,但现实证明根本不是这么回事。




holycow 发表于 2017-8-14 00:35:05


晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 01:13:49

holycow 发表于 2017-8-13 10:35


holycow 发表于 2017-8-14 01:19:25

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-13 09:13
我猜是一时脑子短路?他还反复说了好几遍,怕人不明白。但军方、国务院、国会都对此默不作声,实在是没法 ...


Dracula 发表于 2017-8-14 01:41:49

本帖最后由 Dracula 于 2017-8-14 01:42 编辑

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 01:13
我猜是一时脑子短路?他还反复说了好几遍,怕人不明白。但军方、国务院、国会都对此默不作声,实在是没法 ...

关于委内瑞拉,我觉得是他的base喜欢听这种硬话,至少他是这么认为。因此顺口就武力威胁一下。对他这句话,国会是有反应的。参议院Nebraska共和党参议员Ben Sasse发表声明


Ben Sasse在参议院Armed Services委员会。如果他是民主党议员这么反应还正常。但他是共和党人,声明里却很不客气,字里行间对Trump很鄙视。Trump同参议院共和党的裂痕最近几个星期是越来越大。


晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 03:14:09

Dracula 发表于 2017-8-13 11:41
关于委内瑞拉,我觉得是他的base喜欢听这种硬话,至少他是这么认为。因此顺口就武力威胁一下。对他这句话 ...


晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 03:14:54

holycow 发表于 2017-8-13 11:19
他要再折腾几次,我估计国会要把实质使用武力的权力收回去。这样过一两年总统将无权炒特别检察官,无权炒 ...

哈哈,那美国总统还是the most powerful man on earth吗?恐怕他连LP都炒不掉了。

holycow 发表于 2017-8-14 03:43:29

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-13 11:14
这就对了,国会共和党不背这个锅。特朗普这个总统10年后不知道美国人怎么看,现在看来已经是“受够了”。 ...

估计没够,这才是pivot to base 2.0。凡事不过三,估计要到3.0以后才消停。

tangotango 发表于 2017-8-14 10:47:14

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 03:14
这就对了,国会共和党不背这个锅。特朗普这个总统10年后不知道美国人怎么看,现在看来已经是“受够了”。 ...


Dracula 发表于 2017-8-14 11:22:05

holycow 发表于 2017-8-14 01:19
他要再折腾几次,我估计国会要把实质使用武力的权力收回去。这样过一两年总统将无权炒特别检察官,无权炒 ...


莳萝 发表于 2017-8-14 11:48:13



晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 11:49:38

莳萝 发表于 2017-8-13 21:48
针对弗吉尼亚种族主义骚乱,特朗普发了一条推特指责使用暴力的所有人,本身就给人拉偏架的感觉了,但是特朗 ...


莳萝 发表于 2017-8-14 11:59:37

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 11:49
这是部分白人被沦为弱势群体时的反弹,相信会过去的。美国不光是这些人的美国。 ...




晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 12:14:57

莳萝 发表于 2017-8-13 21:59

他是依靠铁锈带的白人底层当选的,他是依靠 ...


holycow 发表于 2017-8-14 12:21:45

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-13 20:14
除了蒂勒森,还有马蒂斯,这两个是近20年最少言寡欲的国务卿和国防部长了。 ...


We’re Holding Pyongyang to Account

The U.S., its allies and the world are united in our pursuit of a denuclearized Korean Peninsula.

By Jim Mattis andRex Tillerson
Aug. 13, 2017 5:37 p.m. ET

In the past few months, multiple illegal North Korean ballistic-missile and ICBM tests—coupled with the most recent bellicose language from Pyongyang about striking the U.S., Guam, our allies and our interests in the Asia-Pacific region—have escalated tensions between North Korea and America to levels not experienced since the Korean War.

In response, the Trump administration, with the support of the international community, is applying diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea to achieve the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and a dismantling of the regime’s ballistic-missile programs. We are replacing the failed policy of “strategic patience,” which expedited the North Korean threat, with a new policy of strategic accountability.

The object of our peaceful pressure campaign is the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. has no interest in regime change or accelerated reunification of Korea. We do not seek an excuse to garrison U.S. troops north of the Demilitarized Zone. We have no desire to inflict harm on the long-suffering North Korean people, who are distinct from the hostile regime in Pyongyang.

Our diplomatic approach is shared by many nations supporting our goals, including China, which has dominant economic leverage over Pyongyang. China is North Korea’s neighbor, sole treaty ally and main commercial partner. Chinese entities are, in one way or another, involved with roughly 90% of North Korean trade. This affords China an unparalleled opportunity to assert its influence with the regime. Recent statements by members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, as well as other regional and global voices, have made clear the international community holds one view regarding North Korea’s provocative and dangerous actions: They must stop. Pyongyang must stand down on those actions.

China has a strong incentive to pursue the same goals as the U.S. The North Korean regime’s actions and the prospect of nuclear proliferation or conflict threaten the economic, political and military security China has worked to build over decades. North Korea’s behavior further threatens China’s long-term interest in regional peace and stability. If China wishes to play a more active role in securing regional peace and stability—from which all of us, especially China, derive such great benefit—it must make the decision to exercise its decisive diplomatic and economic leverage over North Korea.

Our diplomatic approach also proceeds through the United Nations. The Security Council’s recent unanimous vote imposes new sanctions on North Korea and underscores the extent to which the regime has chosen to isolate itself from the international community. This vote, which also had Russia’s support, reflects the international will to confront the North Korean regime’s continuing threat to global security and stability.

We urge all nations to honor their commitments to enforce U.N. Security Council sanctions against North Korea and to increase diplomatic, economic and political pressure on the regime, specifically through the abandonment of trade, which finances the development of ballistic and nuclear weapons. The U.S. continues to consolidate international unity on the North Korean issue through increased engagement at the U.N., at regional diplomatic forums, and in capitals around the world.

While diplomacy is our preferred means of changing North Korea’s course of action, it is backed by military options. The U.S. alliances with South Korea and Japan are strong. But Pyongyang has persistently rebuffed Seoul’s attempts to create conditions whereby peaceful dialogue can occur, and has instead proceeded on its reckless course of threats and provocation. As a result of these dangers, South Korea’s new government is moving forward with the deployment of U.S. Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense against the threat. We commend South Korea’s decision to deploy this purely defensive capability.

Installing Thaad launchers on the Korean Peninsula and conducting joint military exercises are defensive preparations against the acute threat of military actions directed against the U.S., our allies and other nations. China’s demand for the U.S. and South Korea not to deploy Thaad is unrealistic. Technically astute Chinese military officers understand the system poses no danger to their homeland.

Absent China using its influence to show the world how a great power should act to resolve such a well-defined problem as North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear weapons and long-range missile capability, others in the region are obliged to pursue prudent defensive measures to protect their people. China’s Security Council vote was a step in the right direction. The region and world need and expect China to do more.

The U.S. is willing to negotiate with Pyongyang. But given the long record of North Korea’s dishonesty in negotiations and repeated violations of international agreements, it is incumbent upon the regime to signal its desire to negotiate in good faith. A sincere indication would be the immediate cessation of its provocative threats, nuclear tests, missile launches and other weapons tests.

The U.S. will continue to work with our allies and partners to deepen diplomatic and military cooperation, and to hold nations accountable to their commitments to isolate the regime. That will include rigorous enforcement of sanctions, leaving no North Korean source of revenue untouched. In particular, the U.S. will continue to request Chinese and Russian commitments not to provide the regime with economic lifelines and to persuade it to abandon its dangerous path.

As always, we will embrace military preparedness in the defense of our homeland, our citizens and our allies, and in the preservation of stability and security in Northeast Asia. And we will say again here: Any attack will be defeated, and any use of nuclear weapons will be met with an effective and overwhelming response.

North Korea now faces a choice. Take a new path toward peace, prosperity and international acceptance, or continue further down the dead alley of belligerence, poverty and isolation. The U.S. will aspire and work for the former, and will remain vigilant against the latter.

龙血树 发表于 2017-8-14 12:39:11

莳萝 发表于 2017-8-14 11:48
针对弗吉尼亚种族主义骚乱,特朗普发了一条推特指责使用暴力的所有人,本身就给人拉偏架的感觉了,但是特朗 ...

“叫嚣这美国“是白人的美国”的这帮新纳粹”。。。。这就是国家陷入麻烦的表征,其丑陋一面昭彰起来。如果少见倒是不怕, 美国成道德典范的日子本就少(假如有的话),马丁路德金被杀还没有50年呢。 如果这种事情规模扩大, 频率加强, 那就是国家颓势难掩了。

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-14 12:43:55

holycow 发表于 2017-8-13 22:21


holycow 发表于 2017-8-14 12:49:06

晨枫 发表于 2017-8-13 20:43
喝,这哥俩!这写一大篇文章,倒是新鲜,为什么不直接在记者会上说呢? ...


龙血树 发表于 2017-8-14 12:50:49

holycow 发表于 2017-8-14 12:21

咦, 这是op-ed治国{:199:}

看语调对中国客客气气啊, 倒不像是媒体文章, 而是偏学术风格了

将进酒 发表于 2017-8-14 13:19:00

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