A Poem for Fun (47)
本帖最后由 海外逸士 于 2015-3-31 21:05 编辑I have a friend Andew,
Who is a nice Jew,
And can read Hebrew,
And also likes to sew.
I have a nephew;
He's called Matthew,
Often looks at me askew.
He has strong sinew,
Which's as hard as screw.
He passed an interview,
Now works as ship crew.
And as he is there new;
To rules he has no clew.
On docks there's a fine view
Tho the gulls are so few.
One can hear his cat mew,
And smell his sweet stew.
And see him often chew
Sugarless gum and cashew. And sees him often chew --- sees? Thanks for pointing out that for me.corrected.