本帖最后由 松叶牡丹 于 2020-4-30 13:26 编辑别整这些虚的了,实实在在的把钱用在刀刃上吧(lll¬ω¬)
http://www.aswetalk.net/bbs/data/attachment/album/202004/30/132445mx14npjpjjnjl77j.jpg 霉龟现在比较“虚”胖 要算政治账{:222:} 这没花那么多,这帮人每天,至少隔几天也要飞,我觉得多花的也就是多花的一点里程油钱 本帖最后由 testjhy 于 2020-4-30 20:27 编辑
一小时能救了6个家庭,{:213:} 怪了,和前一个贴一样看不到图。
麻烦把链接贴一下。 alaok 发表于 2020-4-30 13:19
我在哪里看到的,因为平时大家开车烧的汽油里加了酒精。现在大家都蹲家里了,汽油需求少了,连带酒精需求也少了,生产酒精的副产品二氧化碳不够做可乐等软饮料了。 阿忙 发表于 2020-4-29 23:23
这没花那么多,这帮人每天,至少隔几天也要飞,我觉得多花的也就是多花的一点里程油钱 ...
应该不是的, 即使电厂的点火启动, 很多年前一次都是30万人民币打底 马鹿 发表于 2020-4-30 07:49
应该不是的, 即使电厂的点火启动, 很多年前一次都是30万人民币打底
启动飞机哪有启动电厂那么大动静,而且这些人就是要经常要启动飞机飞上天的,这次也就是把平时的飞行增加了点里程 马鹿 发表于 2020-4-30 20:49
应该不是的, 即使电厂的点火启动, 很多年前一次都是30万人民币打底
阿忙的意思应该是,那些飞行员要经常训练,无非是从训练场空域 改到纽约上空,就多飞了一点里程而已。 这点钱基本上忽略不计,主要是担心引发聚集,造成疫情。
{:191:}{:191:}{:191:} 现在又不是缺这点钱,是有钱没地方买那些东西啊 应该加一句
But the entertainment value and encouragement they bring, PRICELESS!
在艰难时刻,人们在不断的坏消息轰炸下是希望听到好消息的。所以中国的方方在那里阴阳怪气冒酸水是要引起大家反感的。放到美国,就没人搞这种东西。所以定体问一下,中国在抗击天灾前后出了方方这种人,这一定是体制问题! 孟词宗 发表于 2020-5-2 01:49
But the entertainment value and encouragement they bring, PRICELESS!
The Leningrad première of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7 took place on 9 August 1942 during the Second World War, while the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) was under siege by Nazi German forces.
Dmitri Shostakovich had intended the piece to be premièred by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra, but because of the siege, that group was evacuated from the city, as was the composer himself. The world première of the symphony was held on 5 March 1942 in Kuybyshev with the Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra. The Leningrad première was performed by the surviving musicians of the Leningrad Radio Orchestra, supplemented with military performers. Most of the musicians were suffering from starvation, which made rehearsing difficult: musicians frequently collapsed during rehearsals, and three died. The orchestra was able to play the symphony all the way through only once before the concert.
Despite the poor condition of the performers, the concert was highly successful, prompting an hour-long ovation. The concert was supported by a Soviet military offensive, code-named Squall, intended to silence German forces during the performance. The symphony was broadcast to the German lines by loudspeaker as a form of psychological warfare. The Leningrad première was considered by music critics to be one of the most important artistic performances of the war because of its psychological and political effects. The conductor concluded that "in that moment, we triumphed over the soulless Nazi war machine". Reunion concerts featuring surviving musicians were convened in 1964 and 1992 to commemorate the event.